Picture of Zo
_____________________________We finally got to Ms. Cambell's home. It was made of stone. It had several cherry blossom trees in the front yard. I saw a girl. In yard of the house next door. She shoulder length blonde hair and red eyes.
"That's Zo. She's your age." Said Ms. Cambel. I continued to walk with
Ms. Cambel I helped we unload her car which had a lot of my clothes it. "I'll show you your room. I think your going to like it." Ms. Cambel said smiling.I walked into the house with Ms. Cambel. It was beautiful. The walls were covered with traditional Japanese paintings and art. It had nice homey feel to it. Ms. Cambel directed me to my room.
The walls were a light blue. The bed had a black head board. A flowery design was carved into the head board. The had a chevron black and blue bedspread with black and blue decorative pillows to a match.
There was huge black dresser with a mirror attracted. Than in the other side of my room was a black vanity with a mirror attached and black stool.
There where were black and blue chevron curtains. Then there was a black door with huge walk in closet. Then there was another door in the right which led to my own private bathroom.
"This used to be my Niece Candice's room but she passed away a few years ago." She said. "Now I use it as guest room. Now it's all yours." She said.
"I'm going to get the rest of your clothes out of the back of the car.
You can start hanging and folding the the ones you have there are hangers in the laundry room which is right next door." She said walking out of the room.I started out by folding my jeans and shirts neatly into the drawers of my dresser. I neatly my socks underwear, and bras into the the bottom drawer. I actually liked the way the room was designed. It has a nice homey feel to it.
I liked how the colors all blended together. I hung up all of my shirts, tanks, cardigans, dresses, and skirts in the closet.
I nearly laid out my shoes in a neat orderly row. I had gotten the pair of red sneakers I wanted. I got a pair of flats, brown sandals, a black pair of combat boots, a black pair of high top converse tennis shoes, and a pair of black sandals.
I was all set on wardrobe. Now I need to worry about my education. Ms. Cambel said I could do school online since I was way behind in my education. She said I could start school online in a week.
Ms. Cambel brought up the rest of my clothes what was left was five t-shirts and three pairs of jeans and one pair of black leggings.
Neatly folded the jeans and legging and put them away in they're proper drawer. Then I hung up the five
t-shirts in my closet. Ms. Cambel had also brought my wipe board and dry erase markers up to my room. I saw Zooey knock on my window.The neighbor's house was so close to Ms. Cambel's house that I could touch Zoey's bedroom window from mine. She was holding up a note pad she started writing something down on her note pad. She lifted it up and showed it to me.
Hi my name is Zoey. What's your name?
I got closer to my window and wrote on my wipe board.
She wrote on her note pad.
That's a pretty name. What school are you going to?
I wrote back on my board.
I'm doing homeschool online.
She began to right once more on her board.
Did you just move in today?
I started scribbling on my board.
She started writing some more on her note pad.
Maybe we can hang out sometime. There are other kids that live here I could introduce you to them.
I started writing down on my board. It would be nice to interact with kids my own age. I never really had any friends growing up.
She began jotting down something on her board.
My mom's calling me. I have to go finish my chores I'll talk to you later.
I scribbled something on my board.
Ok. See you later.
She waved and shut her window and curtains. I've already made a new friend already not so and for my first day.

Bloodcraven Asylum
Horror"I can't escape this hell. So many times I have tried but I'm still caged inside. Somebody get me through this nightmare. I can't control myself this animal I've become." -The Animal I've become Three Days of Grace A patient at the Bloodcrave...