Fate of Yggdrasil Chapter 25

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"Okay, mistakes were made."

"Yes, mistakes, something you are quite accustomed to making by now."

"...Well...you didn't exactly specify what you wanted."

"Come again? That new attitude of late has allotted you an impressive lack of respect for your owner, tool."

"...Sorry. I'll get something else to eat. Uh...can you be more specific this time though? My savings won't last us forever."

"Honestly. We shall go together, as the shop is not far."

"You've been wanting to go into town anyway to scout things out, right? Everything works out in the end."

Part 1

A large crescent moon glowed magnificently in the cloudless night sky, peppered with twinkling twinkled about. Below the dark evening canvas sat a town so small it could fit within Greenville's main streets twice over. The humid air lingered, provoking me to shed my jacket in favor of the tee-shirt underneath. That action drew interested glances from some townsfolk. "I hope they're staring at you." Laughing it all off, I knew where their gazes laid. My scar, always that tree root like mark spread across my neck.

"Ignore them." Anesha and I walked the streets in search of a market I'd come across before. The whole time, she squinted her eyes, glaring off anyone foolish enough to be caught gawking, though I couldn't blame them. "There, yes?" So small it fit into an alleyway, Anesha pointed at the quaint store with a face plagued by doubt.

"That's it! Maybe you'll find something better than I did." Despite a limited stock, the fresh scents of meats, fish and vegetables graced my nose upon entering. Anesha browsed on her own, immediately inspecting the food in cold storage and leaving my side.

"Hello there." A kindly voice called out from behind the counter. The elderly clerk spoke to Anesha but was ignored as she was deep in thought. "Umm...hello!"

"Sorry about her." I quickly interjected! "She's very particular about her diet."

"Okay then. You two ain't from around here, huh? Hopesburg never sees tourists, especially not ones like her. She a celebrity or something?"

"Sort of..." If all plans were to go correctly, Anesha would likely end up as the most famous, or infamous person in history, so it wasn't untrue.

"Two beautiful ladies from out of town, both dressing like some Hollywood types at the same time? Bet the old coots love watching her walk around." None of that was wrong, but hearing people praise Anesha never got easier. Dressing with such extravagance, sometimes I wondered if Anesha seriously wanted to remain under the radar. Her own style always winning out, the abundance of accoutrements on her black leather jacket reflected the store's dim lights. All silver, a multitude of crosses, keychain sized weapons, and small chains were hung from her sleeves, or around her waist via a belt. Matching her beloved jacket, Anesha wore shin high laced platform boots, and brown tights leading up to a pair of cutup jean shorts under a black and silver mini-overskirt.

"You, clerk, I've made my selections! Come retrieve these items; he shall compensate you." The woman rushed over to grab food for Anesha, while I checked my phone hoping to see enough zeros in my bank account to afford whatever she hungered for.

Unread messages sat on my phone's taskbar. They weren't ignored, some weeks old, in fact. Seeing them come in over and over filled my heart, so I'd yet to swipe them away as a pit filled my stomach even considering it. "Oh, we're done?" Two large bags filled to the brim with food were shoved into my arms, as Anesha pulled the wallet from my back pocket, ignoring my own personal space.

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