Chapter 19: Second Year

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I got up on the first day of second year and felt like I would burst with excitement. I got so happy that I could finally get the restart I needed. When I got to school I walked up to the big school board with all the class lists. To my joy Gou, Rei and Nagisa were in my class. We could hopefully become friends again.

I walked into the class and Nagisa was already there walking around talking to everyone with his joyful self. He saw me and looked like he wasn't sure if he should talk to me or not, then he decided to come over.

"Hallo Karu-chan!" He said smiling.

"Hey. How was your break?" I replied so happy that it was normal.

"Super Epic! There were so many swim meets and we won relay almost every time!" He said slowly becoming louder.

"That's great! So you guys are still doing swim team this year. How's recruiting first years going?" I replied genuinely interested.

"Um... We haven't done anything like that yet, but we are going to do a presentation at the first pep rally of the year" he said a little too loudly so people around us gave us strange glances. Then Gou walked in.

"Hallo Gou-chan!" Nagisa remarked.

"It's Kou. Anyway hi Karu how are you?" She said then giggles adding "that rhymes"

"Good, how was your break?" I asked.

"Good good. Except Samezuka just got a really good third year transfer. He is Rin's old elementary school friend. Before Haru and Makoto." Gou said looking worried.

"Hey! I'm Rin's friend too!" Nagisa said looking hurt. Then Rei came.

"Rei!" Nagisa yelled hugging him. I forgot that they might secretly be together. Whatever it was cute. I ship it.

"Hey how is everyone?" He said taking no special notice of me. It was nice. Then the bell rang. Damn that stupid bell.

The day went on with class and me having my restart. Then I saw some of the volleyball girls, now third years and heading the club. We talked about tryouts and they encouraged me to tryout again. This was a shock because my old senpai was gone and has been replaced by these girls who I was pretty sure hated me. But nonetheless I was happy to be accepted again.

At lunch I decided to go eat with Gou and the swim club like I used to before I shut myself away. I was greeted with smiles and happiness. No one mentioning what happened or my social gap.

"So what's it like to be third years?" Nagisa inquired.

"It's just the same you're just one year closer to the biggest change in your life. Not to be deep. What do you think Haru?" Makoto asked.

"I just want to be free" Haru relied in his monotone voice starring at his mackerel lunch.

"That's not going to cut it when they give you those future assessment forms" Gou said.

"I know but that's all I've got" Haru said.

"They could even remove your club activities if you don't answer that form right" she said really pressing.

"It's alright. I only swim free" Haru said. Gou rolled her eyes, Makoto and Nagisa laughed and Rei just looked worried.

~time skip~
After school I decided to drop by the pool and give Gou my new number because when I decided to become a hermit I ended up cancelling my phone and then I got a new one. it was dumb but it was what my depressed and weird brain wanted. I was walking over to the pool where Gou usually waits for the boys. Gou wasn't there. Is there no swim practice today? I walked over the the pool change rooms and there she was. Kneeling on the floor listening through the door of the boys change room. She noticed me and put her finger to her lips then motioned me over.

"What are you doing" I mouthed. She just pointed to her ear and then the door. I put my ear on the door and heard noises. It was kind of gross. It sounded like someone was having sex. There were moans and creaks and slamming lockers and pants. I was disturbed so I took my ear off and looked at Gou.

"You're disgusting" I mouthed. She giggled a little bit. Then we got up and walked out to the pool.

"So I was going to give you my new phone number" I said trying to keep off the conversation of the earlier events.

"Guess who it is?" She said.

"Um anyway it's (069) 295-3344" I said ignoring the question.

"Okay I got it" she said writing it on her arm.

"So I should be going now" I said.

"Don't go. I need a girl to fangirl with" she said grabbing my arm then adding "I Missed you a lot when you disappeared"

"I missed you a lot too. But I needed time and didn't want to drag you down with me. Anyway who are we fangirling about? Is it like an otp?" I asked trying to get off the other topic

"No it's even better" she said then paused for drama "BL"

"Wait like Boys Love? You're into that?" I asked kind of shocked.

"Who isn't? Two super hot guys getting it on. What's not to love?" She said very quietly.

"I didn't know you were such a pervert Gou" I giggled.

"It only started over the break" she said blushing embarrassed. "Anyway guess who?"

"I have no clue. Who would be gay and then do it at school?" I said then it hit me. And I guess Gou saw it on my face because she cracked an evil smile. "No" I said in disbelief.

"Yes" she said.

"No way" I said again.

We went on like this for a while when she finally said it "it's Nagisa and Rei."

Swim While You Still Can. Free Iwatobi Swim Club Fanfic (various x oc/reader)Where stories live. Discover now