Chapter 7: The Chemistry Between Us

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I don't know what's going around but I am sick. As I am typing this I am trying to ignore the feeling that I should be in bed and rolled up in a blanket burrito. But I wouldn't skip an update day for anything!

Especially when this fic has reached 200 kudos and 222 subscriptions, that is beyond anything I ever expected for this fic. And on the backend, I'm about to hit 90k To be fair, those are all unedited rough drafts but still that is way more than my original books and triple the word count of my last big fic Playing Hero.

I'm well into writing the next fic in this series, 'The Perilous Husband.' I'm not going to spoil anything, but I'm on chapter 12 and about 19k words into that fic. All of this is to say thank you. Seeing your comments, bookmarks, and kudos keeps me going even when I am sick as a dog.

Now, this chapter is when the explicit tag comes into play. It's NSFW and unlike the implied sex scene before there is no dub-con and that is all that I have to say about it. So I hope you enjoy the smut.

And lastly, I want to take a moment to remind you that I have a for the series (yes, I am that extra) that you should check out. It's your one-stop shop for author commentaries, behind the scenes sneak peeks, character and world-building, free digital merch, and more! And if you want to know about any updates to that site make sure you subscribe to the .

FEATURED CHARITIES: This chapter's charity is Trans Media Watch is a non-profit organization dedicated to battling misinformation about the trans community and trans issues. This chapter featured GFM is, who is a non-binary person in need of help funding their top surgery.


Kendis just stared at their husband in shock. The part of her brain that wasn't screaming and panicking suddenly longed for a time-turner. She really wanted to go back to a few days ago and slap the shit out of her past self. 'Of all the men I had to marry, I had to marry this nosy bastard?'

"Nothing to say?" Tony taunted, and she rolled her eyes.

"No." Kendis shrugged as she did her best to fix her face. "I rarely entertain people's baseless accusations."

Tony gave an incredulous chuckle. "Baseless? Your records are faker than plastic."

Kendis snorted and then snatched the folder out of his hands. She flipped through the documents and knew she should send them to her attorney. Draco Malfoy was her barrister in England, but she knew he would have contacts, who were licensed in California.

She really wanted this man out of her life, and the sooner, the better. He had already dug uncomfortably far into her background. Kendis grabbed a biro and quickly scrawled her signature on the places conveniently marked by arrow sticky notes.

"Done," Kendis said. "Now get out." She handed Tony the papers and guided him to the door. He spun suddenly, and in a smooth pivot, slammed her against the door with a loud thump.

"What," Kendis squeaked. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me the truth," Tony said, quickly pushing into their personal space. "I want to know exactly what you got me involved in."

Kendis snorted. "Mr. Stark, we are strangers. Once the papers are filed, we will go our separate ways. Now, if you don't mind? I have work to do."

"I don't like mysteries," Tony said, his fingers brushing against her cheek.

Kendis should push him away. She was not some helpless damsel in distress, and they had brought more than their share of pushy men to their knees. Yet, the logical part of her brain was overshadowed by the magnetic pull between them.

The Temporary Spouse (Harry Potter X Tony Stark)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora