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Down the road we continue with no real goal in mind. I'm just enjoying the trek through nature which soon becomes all we see as any form of civilized society vanishes altogether. We cross into a light wood and I can hear all of the animals that surround us calling out with their voices in celebration of being alive and a bid to continue their species. That's when we see the first sign.

It has been nailed to a tree and painted in big read letters, impossible to miss are the words 'BEWARE THE SATYRS!!!' "What are satyrs?" I ask aloud without directing the question to anyone in particular while I continue to stare at the warning as though it would reveal its meaning to me.

"I've never heard of such a thing?" Drogan lets on and slithers next to me.

"I know only that they are creatures of nature who shun civilized society as a whole," Nef speaks up, but does not move from her spot.

We proceed forward and find another sign. 'KEEP HOLD OF YOUR VIRTUE!!!'

"Virtue?" I comment and stop yet again. "What has that to do with anything?"

"As a maiden I was always told that my virtue was my highest prize," Drogan adds to the clipped conversation and returns to my side.

"Virtue is considered to be a facet of character," Nef educates us on a matter we already know and leans her head a bit. "However, it is also considered the thing possessed by those who have yet to have sex."

I tuck the strange matter away and continue on. We come across yet another sign. 'MAIDENS BEWARE!!!'

Neither of us stop or remark on the warning as we pass into the thicker part of the wood and find ourselves in a circular clearing ringed with massive trees growing close to one another while allowing for space between. There are few scattered plants including a tree which has split itself in the middle and grows in a 'V' whole the all around us is a vibrant green with concentric circles made of stone.

"Be careful," Nef advises as she looks about. "There are many creatures all around us and their minds are too savage for me to read any intent."

No sooner are the words spoken than a multitude of hairy men explode from the trees. I had only a moment to take in all the details I can and I discern they are bare chested men with not a scrap of clothing on them. They're legs are covered in shaggy hair and I know them to be men since they all have an exceedingly long penis hanging from between their legs. I barely note that they have unruly beards and long curled horns on the top of their heads, when they are upon us.

I go for my sword, but find I am not fast enough and the three of us are separated. Before I am even aware of what is going on I am stripped of my sword and shield and pushed and dragged to the 'V' tree. My arms are pulled forward and held in place by one of the wild men, as my body is stretched till my legs make contact with the solid limbs of the tree.

"Hey, he's a young one!" the one to my front exclaims and keeps hold of wrists with a grip like iron.

"Let me check!" the one behind me shouts back and grabs my testicles. "He has hair it's good!"

What happens next is difficult to describe. The one to my front grabbed his penis and pulled once on it to make it hard. He then rammed it into my wide open mouth and pumped with all his worth. This made it difficult to breathe and confused the hell out of me since I'd never heard of man's member being used in the manner. I'm not a woman and this is not my vagina, so what is the purpose?!

It takes only a matter of a few long moments of incredible energy and a member that continues to slide deeper and deeper down my throat causing me to expel the contents of my stomach, before the forest man to my front gives out a groan and shoots his seed into my belly. He goes weak and falls to the ground, but no sooner has he departed than another takes his place and the process continues anew, multiple times.

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Every moment I can spare from the violation of my face is given over to what it is happening at the same time behind me. My garb has been pull up, fully exposing my naked rear end and I can feel another hardened penis being rammed into my anus as deep as it will go and pumped again and again till they shoot their seed deep inside of me. Only to be replaced by another and the cycle renews.

This at least makes better sense to me. Growing up on the farm, sex was a constant with the livestock we raised. Males were always raring to go during the breeding season, but females lost interest once they were properly impregnated. As such, the still aroused cattle would be forced to use each other to relieve the pressure their libido applied to their entire person.

Every thrust makes me feel as though I am being sawed in half and I would have given anything to make it end. Unfortunately, it seems the only thing they want they already have and are relishing every minute of it. I even fear that there is no end to this condition I find myself in. There were so many of these wild men at last count that have yet to take their turn and who is to say that those who are spent will not come back for more?

I am also feeling ashamed to my core. I hate what is happening to my body which will not move or act as it is so bound by nature and these men to serve this purpose. All the while, their penis in my anus is rubbing a spot I knew not that I had and every thrust and retreat stimulates this area and it excites me a little. I even feel myself grow hard from it.

I now am feeling revulsion to myself because there is no immediate means to relieve myself. I refuse to mount this men even as a form of sick revenge and I would not force such a violation against my companions, even just to sate my lust. Thus, I am stuck in this state of arousal that has been placed upon me through the selfish practices of those who have power over me.

"Stand back you wild beasts!" through the grunts, groans and heavy breathing I hear Drogan shout to the sky. "Or I will pull away my veil and turn you all to stone!"

"What is going on out here!" I hear a strange male voice who is not far from myself.

"I swear to you!" Drogan continues. "You will all be turned to stone!"

"You can't turn us to stone!" the stranger continues aloud. "I, Serasto, god of the wild am immune to any curse my sister has placed upon you as well as those who enjoy my protection!"

"Will you speak with me?!" Drogan continues to play the only cards left to her having discarded her ace.

"I don't know!" Serasto responds and is still far away. "My men are fairly aroused and if you're stupid enough to ignore all of our warning signs, well, you get what you get!"

Suddenly I hear the screaming of one of the wild men.

"You will listen to us!" Nef booms from her sizable body. "Or I will explode the head of your children one by one!"

"You wouldn't dare order a god around!" Serasto declares, but I can hear a hint of doubt in it.

The screaming grows louder.

"It is your choice!" Nef lays the responsibility fully on his shoulders. "Should you be in the dark, I am sphinx and my powers are not born of a curse!"

More screaming.

"Very well!" Serasto concedes. "You have won the day and my children will not molest you!"

"And we demand that you stop raping our companion!" Drogan speaks out.

Rape? Was I being raped? I'd only ever known rape to be the forced sexual interaction between a man and a woman. Can men be raped?

Validation Through Divine Intervention Book 2: Isle Of The MonsterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt