(Y/N)'s POV:
Over the summer, the four of us hang out as we usually do, and it shouldn't surprise anyone that when high school comes around, we all apply for UA. There's an entrance exam that we have to take, and so, on the day of the exam, the four of us all head to UA High School. I walk with Shimura and Bakugo.
"Have either of you seen Deku lately?" I ask.
Shimura shakes his head.
"Not for at least a month," Bakugo says.
"I hope he's alright," I say.
"We'll probably see him here," Shimura says. "He wants to be a hero as much as any of us. He won't miss this."
Surely enough, when we enter the gates, we see Deku talking to a girl with short, brown hair. He looks completely flustered. Bakugo, Shimura, and I stop a little ways away to watch. They talk for a few minutes, before the girl waves and walks away.
I snicker. "Looks like Deku's got himself a crush," I singsong as we walk up behind him.
He jumps and turns to us. "Oh, hey guys..."
"Who was that?" I tease.
"Huh-? Wha- the girl?" Deku is flustered again. "O- oh, that's Uraraka."
"Your face is all red," I laugh.
"Uh..." He doesn't have anything else to say.
"Oooo, Deku's got a cruuuuush," I singsong.
"You'd better not let it distract you, extra," Bakugo smirks. "I'm not going easy on you, even if you get all love-brained."
"What makes you think you'll affect my ability to get in?" Deku asks.
"We'll probably be sparring. Best fighters get in," Bakugo says.
"What sense does that make?" I ask. "We're training to be heroes, not ninjas."
"Besides, sparring would be unfair," Shimura observes.
"How?" Bakugo asks.
"Well, what if you got pitted against someone who's quirk can nullify yours? Or someone who's quirk you can beat too easily? The odds of everyone getting evenly matched are too small, so a lot of people would be at a disadvantage," Shimura explains.
Bakugo thinks for a minute, before saying, "Whatever, extra. Let's get inside."
The four of us walk inside and take seats. Bakugo slouches, crossing his arms. Deku sits attentively with his hands in his lap. Shimura pulls one of his legs into his chest, with his hood over his head. I cross my legs, and hold my elbows, looking around at our competitors. A lot of people look as scared as I feel, while others look as confident as Bakugo, as self-conscious as Shimura, or as excited as Deku.
A tired looking man walks up to the microphone. He starts talking and everyone quiets down. He explains through the rules of the entrance exam. Basically, all of us will be running around in one of UA's many training facilities; one of the ones that imitate fake cities. In each fake city will be four levels of robots. Robots worth one point, robots worth two points, robots with three points, and distraction robots that aren't worth any points. The aim of this exercise is to earn as many points as we can by destroying robots. Whoever gets the most will gain acceptance to UA. As the man explains these rules, I look at Deku, worried.
As all of the kids pile out of the large auditorium and into one of the training facilities, I say, "Deku, are you going to be alright? I get the feeling this won't be too easy for someone who doesn't... well..."
He smiles at me. "I've got this. Thanks, though."
"Uh... alright," I reply, uncertain.
There's a ton of students, but we manage to all get into the same training facility. And, of course, we all manage to get in a facility with Uraraka. The exam starts, and we all get to work. Bakugo, of course, has a pretty easy time getting started. He just blasts through robots. I don't get off to a bad start either. I grow powerful vines out of the ground and stab them through the robots. Deku and Shimura, however, have problems. Deku has no means of taking the robots down--at least, not that I know of--and Shimura is too afraid to activate his quirk for the fear of hurting someone. That is, until we hear a scream. The brown-haired girl, Uraraka, is staring up in horror. I was wondering what the zero-point robots look like.
Now I'm not.
"WHAT THE—!?" I shout.
The zero point robot is at least thirty feet tall, and it's heading right for Uraraka. I looks around, trying to think of something to do, when Deku runs past me, a lot faster than I've ever seen him. He rushes to the base of the robot, then jumps so unrealistically high, that my jaw hangs open.
He punches the robot so hard that its head shatters. I'm shocked. But then Deku starts falling. His legs are flailing, and so is his arm, the one he used to punch the robot. He pulls the other one back, as though he's about to punch the ground, (which seems stupid), when Uraraka reaches out and touches him as he flies past her. He stops a few inches before he hits the ground.
"Release," she manages, pressing her fingertips together. Deku drops the last few inches to the ground. He lands on his feet, wobbles, then collapses while Uraraka throws up. This all takes place in a few seconds. Once Deku is safely on the ground, I notice another issue.
The humongous zero point robot is wobbling, clearly unstable. There are tons of people both in front of and behind it, and the robot could fall on either of them. It sways, then begins to fall backwards. I run over, and create a net of vines, trees, and whatever else I can manage. It holds well enough, but the robot is heavy, and the plants can only hold so much weight. I try my best to keep them in place, regrowing a tree when one collapses, or replacing a broken vine with a new one, but I can't hold it for much longer.
And then my whole barricade breaks.
Most of the people have scattered, but there are still a few people. Plus, by trying to help so many people, I've put myself right in the path of the falling robot. Suddenly, I hear and explosion to my right. I cower instinctively, and bits of rubble fly in my direction, along with Shimura. He catches his footing right in front of me. He holds his hands up, and I see that they're ungloved. The robot falls, the entire weight of it landing of his arms for a brief second before it turns gray and disintegrates. Shimura screams as the shock of the robot crashes onto him, and he collapses. The remains of the robot fall to the ground as harmless dust, and I rush to Shimura's side. Bakugo rushes to Deku's.
"Shimura, are you alright?" I ask.
"Ow..." he mutters.
"What's wrong?"
"My arms hurt."
"Can you stand?"
"Yeah." Shimura puts an arm around me and I help him up. He shakes his arms out. "They hurt, but they don't feel broken."
"I think the sudden weight hurt your arms, but it was for less than a second so... maybe you're fine?"
He shrugs. "Where are Deku and Bakugo?"