Link x Shy!Reader x Pit

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N/n = Nick/name
Link x Shy!Reader x Pit
Sweet Little Princess/Angel

You were such a shy girl, well, when you were not fighting. Whilst fighting you look serious and focused. That's what made you, well You! Everyone loves you for who you are! Especially the two boys Pit and Link, only, you just like being with the girls or rather alone. You were walking out alone along the river. Your mind has gone calm until wings broke apart your thought. "Hey Y/n!" Pit greeted happily. "H-Hi Pit." You greet softly. "I was wondering if you'd like to walk around with me, and get to know each other."

"That doesn't sound too bad, Okay, l-let's go..." You stutter. You walk around with Pit for the whole day talking about each other. As night fell you became drowsy and head inside the mansion. "Thanks for hanging out with me N/n." Pit says sheepishly. "Sure..." You reply quietly and scurry off towards your room.

The next day you won you 30th battle. Link approached you with a smile. "Nice job Y/n!" Link congratulated you. "Thanks." You thank. Pit dives in making you jump. "Hiya Y/n! Congrats on the battle!" Pit says with a grin. "Yeah, um thanks...I guess." You say nervously. The two shower you with compliments, trying to out-compliment you for a contest, for themselves. They were so busy yelling at each other they never noticed you scurrying away. You turn around a corner, into your room. "You alright Y/n?" Zelda asks. You hug her and whimper. "Link and Pit just won't stop!" You whisper. She pats you back.

"I do not know if I can help you. I was never really into relationships." Zelda smiled sadly. You nod and back off of her. "ZELDA!!! C'mere!!!" Toon Link yells. "Duty calls." Zelda says. "Fare well friend." You say ash she bows and leaves. You sigh walking in a random direction. You end up by the river and plop yourself in front of it. You notice a frog stuck on a piece of log in the river, making you feel the need to help it. You were about to set the frog free, when a blue arrow hit below the poor creature. You quickly set the species free and close your eyes. You felt a tiny feeling of anger boil in your blood, slightly. You rush to see where the blue arrow came from to see Link and Pit fighting.

You stand in between them, out of foolishness, or just being reckless. "Y/n!" They both shout and stop. "What were you thinking?" Link asks. "You almost shot a poor soul with your own battle." You pout. Pit sighs. "We could've hurt you." Pit says. "But I stopped your fighting. And if I catch you two fighting again, you will NEVER hear the end of it." You state walking away. "This is your fault Link." Pit whispers. "Whatever pit breath." Link snaps quietly. Even though you walked far enough you still heard them. "I don't know if you ignored me, or you both are deaf, but I know I'm not." You snap.

It wasn't like you to snap, for Master Hand's sake you could barely talk without stuttering. You walk into the woods, only to have Link follow you. "Y-Yes, Link?" You sigh. "I apologize for fighting with Pit." Link says. You look up at him, since he is taller than you. "No need. I was only protecting an a-animal." You say. "You can't save them all." Link states. "B-But Ash can catch them all? I will not give u-up Link." You say, patting a wild fox's head. It frolics away happily afterwards. "I know you won't give up, but neither will Pit and I." Link said, mumbling the last part. "I just w-want you and Pit to stop this madness." You say picking up a baby bird and placing it pack in its nest.

"We can try Y/n." Link smiles. "Thank you." You say without a stutter. Ever since your 15th battle, you've tried gaining confidence. "No problem." Link replied. You both exit the woods, but a tree falls down, to you this stuff happens in slow motion. A wolf and it's pups were paralyzed, and the tree was about to collapse on them. You were about to take action, but Link beat you to it, already saving the Wolf and her Cubs. The wolf runs with her cubs passed you, looking back at you, howling with happiness. You stare at Link with a smile. "You do not know how happy I am, that you've saved 4 souls." You say. "Don't worry about it, Pit and I have been trying to impress you by saving animals when you first arrived, so if you don't mind me asking, is there a reason why you're so shy?" Link asks. You weren't shocked with them trying to impress you.

"Well, it started when I was a child. There was this one kid I liked very much. But I don't feel the same for him at all. He was friendly and well mannered. One day I fell in a puddle, and caught a cold. He was there, helping me up, and giving me tissues. I was incredibly thankful, but one day he stopped talking to me. Then I hear rumors that I liked him. So he didn't even bother looking at me. I didn't like him that way though, I liked him platonically. I tried explaining that to everyone, but they ignored me, then the rumor that I didn't like him at all started spreading. It drove me crazy. Then he started to glare at me. One day he told me I was ungrateful and worthless. He laughed at my simple mistakes and let me down. I never trusted anyone who was seen around him, or even looked at him, so I was alone and quiet. Anyone who ever talked to me, I would just stutter a 'I prefer being alone' and walk away. Then I started training in 3rd grade, so I wouldn't be hurt much physically. I was always taunted and teased, that's when I heard of SSB, I wanted to join so badly as a child. So I trained harder, sometimes even skipping school to master a move. I shut people out and trained. My routine was Sleep, eat, train, somewhat school, repeat." I explain.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I promise no one will hurt you as long as I'm nearby." Link promises. "Thank you." You thank. Pit swoops in, so you decide to tell him the story as well. "That can't be. Who would do that to someone like you?" Pit asks. "R-Rumors apparently." You say. "Don't worry N/n. I will protect you, for as long as I stand." Pit says, "I thank y-you both." You say. "We care for you N/n." Link says. "Though, there's one thing that will stop us from fighting." Pit interrupts. "You really like us both, correct?" Pit asks. "Yes, I love you both, l-like family." You say shyly. "Well, we love you too. But we argue who loves you more, but you need to decide who you love more." Link says.

"W-what? I don't want to h-hurt you guys emotionally." You say hysterically. "Either of us will still remain by your side, as family like you said." Pit says, calming you down a little. You take a deep breath. "Alright, perhaps this will work out...In this case, I choose..."


"Link." You chirp happily. Pit only smiles at you. Link picks you up and twirl hugs you. He lets you down and kisses you softly. It surprised you, but you didn't hesitate to kiss back. "I love you, Y/n." Link says. "I love you too, Link." You sigh. You let go a walk up to Pit, hugging him as well. Pit hugs back as soon as he could. "You made a great choice, Y/n." Pit says. "I'll be fine Pit. Besides, we'll all b-be there for each other." You say, happiness tinted in your voice. You back away from Pit and hold onto Link's hand. "C'mon, let's enjoy the rest of the day, alright?" You smile at the two warriors. Pit nods, flying into the air just above you and Link. Link chuckles. "You're my Sweet Little Princess." He says holding you closer. "I know~" You smile.


"Pit." You say. "Yes!" He yells flying over to you and swoops you up into the air. You laugh as he twirls you around. He kisses your nose and sets you down. He kissed you again, surprising you, but without having to think, you kissed back. Link was happy you made your choice. He would still protect you until his fall. "I love you Y/n." Pit grins. "I love you too, Pit." You say hugging him once more. He hugs back, then you let go after a couple seconds to go talk to Link. "I respect your choice, Y/n." Link says. "Thank you for taking the situation well." You thank. Link hugs you, and you immediately hug back. You back away from Link and hold onto Pit's hand. "Let's make today count, and the rest of our lives, we have a great future ahead of us." You say. Link nods walking ahead of you two. Pit runs a hand through your h/c hair. "You're my Sweet Little Angel." He says holding you closer. "I know~" You smile.

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