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We see nana at the hospital waiting for the doctors to tell Her of izuku's condition praying that he is alive

Nana: (I don't know what going on but please Izuku please be ok)

And then the hospital doors open as nana looks over to see the midoriya family rush into the hospital and head towards the receptionist desk

Hisashi: we're here for Izuku midoriya where is he

Receptionist: you said Izuku mido-


Inko: Izumi calm down

Nana: Hisashi

Hisashi: Mom

The rest of the family look over to see nana already here as hisashi hugs nana

Hisashi: mom what are you-

Nana: hisashi you have some explaining to do

Hisashi: w-what do you mean

Before nana could say anything to hisashi the doctor called her name as she and the rest of the family made their way to the doctor

Nana: how is he is he ok

Inko: will my baby survive

Doctor: I've got good news and bad news, the good news is Izuku midoriya is now in stable condition meaning he's alive and ok

Izuko: oh thank god

Doctor: the bad news is his body has sustained a lot of damage and he's currently in a coma like state..we don't know how long he'll be in that state

When the doctor said that everyone was shocked as they became saddened by this news as inko was on the verge of tears

Inko: m-my baby boy I-is in a coma

Izuko: Mom it's ok at the end of the day he's still alive that's what really matters

Inko: I know but still we don't know how long he'll be here

Hisashi: (Damnit, those fucking yagi's did this, I swear they'll pay for this)

Nana: can we at least see him doctor

Doctor: of course come with me

The doctor walks towards the room that Izuku is in as the midoriya's follow behind the doctor, they walked for about a minute until arriving to the room as the doctor opened the door showing the family the unconscious body of Izuku currently on life-support surprising them

Inko: y-you said he was well

Doctor: we had to put him on life-support after all the gunshot wounds he received we were successfully able to take out all of the bullets though but the fact that he's still alive is very surprising to us especially after being shot in the head

Hisashi: what can I say my son is a survivor

Doctor: true that..I'll leave you alone now

The doctor walks out of the room as inko reaches Izuku and sees him with his eyes closed as she can't help but crying as she is instantly comforted by Izuko and Izumi

Izumi: Hey mom it'll be ok

Izuko: yeah Izuku will survive he's a warrior

Inko: *sniffling* I-it just hurts to see him l-like this

Nana/Hisashi: (inko)

???: am I interrupting something

Everyone in the room recognized that voice as hisashi snapped his neck backwards to see his business rival and enemy pissing him off along with the rest of the midoriya's

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