Hello again....

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I awoke to the sound the someone going through our fridge, again. At first, I thought nothing of it but then I realized that Houka, Uzu, and Nonon weren't up, actually, I don't think I ever remembered Nonon ever getting up for snacks. She did once but she ate a lot more than a "snack" and Nonon didn't give an explanation for that. I decided to shrug it off at first but then that noise got louder, before I heard a voice that I didn't recognize. Okay, that's it.

I decided to wake the others and go investigate what was happening in our kitchen. Nonon's door was already open, Houka wasn't getting out of bed for anything, and Uzu was rubbing his eyes. We didn't know where Nonon could have gone to but we noticed that the kitchen light was on. Clearly, Nonon was talking to someone, as I knew her voice but I heard someone else's, too. This voice was a child's and Nonon definitely never had any children. Listening closely, we found that Nonon knew the child, as she asked, "What are you doing here?"

The conversation was brief but was interrupted when we came into the kitchen. Siting on the floor was a child of an indeterminant age in a raincoat, eating some foodstuff she found in refrigerator bare-handed, and, next to her, was Nonon, who was probably trying to usher her out. Both were frozen, with the little girl looking at us before resuming what she was doing, asking, between bites, as to what she was eating, and Nonon close to picking her up (or trying to). After a few moments, the girl hissed at us, pointed, and asked Nonon, "Who's them?!" before trying to hide under the sink.

It took about an hour before the girl decided to sit in our presence and, when that was said and done, I told Nonon to explain herself and the girl's presence.

"This is 'Ryuuko' and she lives in the hospital with her sisters, May and Nui.", so that answered as to who the girl was but it didn't answer why she was in our house. Almost unprompted, Ryuuko goes, "Been here before." before going back to eating. Afterwards came a conversation about where Ryuuko came from and what we should do with her.

"You mean to tell us you brought a weird feral girl here?!"

"Not exactly. She followed me here."

"How in the hell?!"

"Well, she ate my lunch and decided that I'm her friend now."

"Take her back to where you got her!"

"Well, I can't do that, right now."

Meanwhile, Ryuuko was curled up on the floor, sleeping, seemingly using her raincoat as a blanket. As Nonon explained, the girl was actually about six or seven years younger than her but, for some reason, was small for her age. The discussion as to what we should do with her lasted for the rest of the night and, by morning, Ryuuko was awake, back to raiding our fridge.

That day, all of us went with Nonon to bring Ryuuko back to her sisters. Uzu had a point in that Nonon's "hobby" being strange and that the place she's opted to explore was haunting. From within, we heard the echoes of a siren-like call and, before she hurried back into the hospital, Ryuuko went, "Oh, that's Sis. She's wonderin' where I went."

Without hesitance, Nonon went after her and we followed. 

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