"He's fucking dead, princess..."
I shook my head. There was no way my mate was gone.
"You're a liar! You can't take him from me!!"
"I already fucking have!" Eugene stripped his pants, his hard cock looking angry, "Now I'm going to take what's rightfully mine and fill this tight hole with my seed...or is it even tight anymore?"
I scowled, "Your pencil dick doesn't even begin to compare to Zane's!!"
I thought he'd slap me again...I was sure of it, but Eugene only kept stroking himself and eyeing me with disgust.
"You gave up my mate and my pup to OUR enemy?! You stupid, worthless, piece of shit!" Every word I accentuated with a fist into his face.
Chuck tried to speak, but I wouldn't let him.
"You know she is vulnerable! You know you will die and I will not make it pleasant. I can't do all of things I want to do to you now so,-"
We heard a commotion as Craig cake into sight.
"I got here as soon as you linked me. Her parents are being detained."
"W-what?!" Chuck shuddered as blood dripped from every orphus of his face.
Craig smirked, "We infiltrated the kingdom, dipshit. Good luck!"
"Get the others, kill the traitors. I'm linking her.."
"Eugene...I'm...I promise you the world if-"
"You've got nothing to promise me. Darling, I can't kill you without some heirs."
As he spoke, I heard him...I heard my beloved.
"You've got this, pet...I love you...I'm coming for you. You DO have the power. It's WITHIN you, my mate.."
"I love you...I love you, Zane.."
Within me...
Our baby.
Our pup.
"A boy...it's a boy..."
Chuck, still being tortured within inches of his life, was being dragged through the tunnels by his ankles.
They'd stripped him of his clothing and made it a point that his cries and screams could be heard.
"Why though? I mean, Eugene.." Craig shrugged, "I don't get it.."
"It was all her stepmother's doing. Daddy dearest is whipped and less of a man than he could fathom," I said, having gotten more info from Chuck before pulling teeth, "Chuck WAS rescued by Maggie, but grew up with witches who in turn also tossed him away."
"And he's a dead man?"
"I will toss him to the orcs to eat."
"I'm in our cave!! Zane!! I'm in our cave!"
I linked him after figuring out where I was.
It had been months since we'd stepped foot back there.
Eugene was itching to take me.
Could I do this?
Could I....
No! Zane was ALIVE and coming for us!!
I suddenly felt an itch and then another.
My stomach churned and my bones hurt.
My eyes blurred over and my nails grew...
My nails.
I saw the hair, I felt the contortion.
I felt the rage and anger and hate I'd built up coming through.
I shifted much to the shock of Eugene.
I shifted all the way into a menacing hybrid werewolf.
Breaking my chains, I stood tall, growling and snarling as Eugene fell backwards and tried to crawl away.
"No.." I said, "It's your turn to feel my pup's wrath!"

FantasyArranged to be married, vampire princess, Zelda Zoe, decides to run away from her problems only to end up in the clutches of Alpha Zane. Ai stock image