Wax Museum

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Fred, Velma, and Daphne were talking with the Hex Girls at the Grand Hotel, wondering if there was anyone they suspected to have a grudge against Ladybug and Cat Noir and the concert the other night.

"Everyone knows that before her exile, Chloe was among those who hated Ladybug the most. But this former model Lila who just disappeared" Dusk said.

"Cat Noir did say that Lila tricked him from helping Ladybug, indicating she wants Ladybug dead," Velma said.

"So cruel of this girl," Daphne said.

"Yeah. And of course, she got expelled from school to incriminate an innocent bakery girl but failed when she got exposed for who she truly is. It says so on the news a few months ago and I guess that's why Lila vanished to hide from Paris. Almost as if she either changed her look or went into hiding to come back for revenge" Thorn guessed her theory.

"Maybe that's why Gabriel fired her. Ever since he replaced her with the daughter of the Japanese woman who works with him, he didn't explain why" Dusk said.

"Secrets go in the grave but we found these in Lila's locker" Velma held up an evidence bag with the green contacts.

"Weird. She never mentioned that. She once said she was a movie star in Hollywood but we checked on the media and found nothing about her. It could be a false rumor" Thorn said, unaware that Lila was a liar.

"No movies and no TV shows with her," Luna said.

"Ladybug mentioned she's a pathological liar. That can't be good at all" Velma said.

"No, it can completely destroy the lives of others and herself. We've seen a few fans make a lie about us on social media and it doesn't end well for them" Thorn said.

"The authorities looked everywhere but they gave up the search. So far, nothing" Luna said.

"It sounds like she got kidnapped," Shaggy said.

"Or captured," Scooby said.

"She's our first suspect but we can't assume she's behind this," Fred said.

"So far we got the lenses and some strange dust from the concert," Daphne said.

"Yet these clues get more complicated," Velma said.

The waitress with a black hair bun and green eyes brought in a wheely food tray for the Hex Girls. What they don't know is that the waitress doesn't work at the hotel nor are employees.

"Here you go," The waitress said.

"Thank you" Thorn thanked her.

"I'm a huge fan of your concert. I didn't know you would be inviting the group over for a reunion or something" The waitress said with her act while keeping her anger under control.

"We invited them to solve the double ghost mystery," Luna said.

"Okay. Well, good luck" The waitress left.


With Marinette, she has no idea if Lila, Chloe, or the new Hawk Moth is causing this. There was no Akuma in sight at all when the ghosts appeared. Somehow it didn't make any sense as to why someone would use the ghosts of the same person who is dead to scare people off.

"This feels like disgrace by raising someone from the dead" Marinette said.

"Maybe a mortician, grave digger, or a eulogistic person" Alya guessed it could be an Akuma based on an obsession with the dead.

"Perhaps. But the ghosts went both for me and Cat Noir than the Mystery Inc" Marinette said.

"Someone really is out for revenge, girl. Whoever it is, that new Hawk Moth could be the one doing exactly like Monarch wanting the miraculous" Alya said.

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