0. Unexpected Error

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True Name: Natsuki Zero

Age: 19

Gender: Genderless | Male

Servant Class: —

Classification: Human, Dragon, Threat to Humanity

Normal speech: Like this

Whispers/Muttering: Like this

Thoughts: *Like this*

Actions I can't be bothered to narrate: *Like This*

Serious tone/Shouting: Like this

Telepathy/Phone calls: <Like this>






Zero: Argh! Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Hot water! Hot water! I AM IN HOT FUCKING WATER!


Well. He meant it somewhat literally. It wasn't hot, but it was indeed water.

While he was under, he saw several types of beings move like torpedoes.


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He quickly shot out of the water, his wings flapping once and him shooting through the air faster than sound.


Zero: I WAS JUST TRYING TO GO HOOOOME! FUCK! Man can't even land on a planet and leave in peace!

He failed to mention that he attempted to colonise the planet for fun after finding a very complex system surrounding it.

Zero: I'm British. It's what we do. I mean did I know they would react negatively to me getting out a BFG, crash landing a starship and going, "your people and land are mine" in any language I could think of? MAYBE. Did I think it would be so negative they got their so called motherships out to deal with me? NO!


Here's the jist so far. No show don't tell bullshit. Because if we don't tell, there simply will not be a show.



Zero: Whoo! Weave! Weave!

He quickly did a barrel roll while flying to avoid energy beams from an... Extraterrestrial object.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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