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TW: religion 🫵🏽🙊

Taylor's POV:

My day goes by slower than usual. And it doesn't help with Summer's annoying pestering about Y/n distributing class. I want to rush back home after everything but I'm stopped by the head of the fine arts department who wants to talk to me about how things are going.

I try to rush things, but it unfortunately doesn't work. And a ten minute conversation leads to a half house, then a half hour leads to an hour, then I'm rushing back to the house. Not in the living room, not in her room, then of course, my room. I find her sleeping softly. I put my bags down and sit next to her, debating whether or not to wake her. Instead, I take my laptop out and start inputting grades that I got behind on.

I glance over at her grade in my class and see she has yet to turn in any of the past assignments. Well this is awkward. I think about how she's doing in her other classes and I truly hope I'm not a reason she's falling behind. I let her sleep for about two hours then I wake her up.

"Hey," I whisper, and she opens her eyes softly,

"Hmm," she lets out and I smile.

"Hey um, you should get up, love." I say, and her eyes open fully and she looks at me.

"Don't you have phones to be looking through?" She yawns and turns around. I can't tell if she's joking or not.

"Hey! That is not my proudest moment and I am very sorry about that, Y/n." I respond truthfully.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"Well, I'm sorry I still have the messages." It's quiet. "I should've deleted them a long time ago- so I understand why it is suspicious."

"Hey it's okay," I place my hand on her shoulder.
"You're okay, I just- i know things are over with them, okay?"

"Okay," she sniffles a bit.

"And I know you probably didn't mean it, but I saw the message about me not-"

"Meaning anything?" She finishes before I can even say the full sentence.


"I know- and it's far from the truth! And I would never say that and mean that, it was just to get her off my back. And I felt so bad even saying that-" she starts to ramble and I cut her off.

"Y/n, it's okay. I realized that after the fact. You're okay, we're okay. I'm very sorry." I say, she nods. "And as much as I would love to talk about this, I need to see your grades."

"What?" She lets out a laugh and I give her a tight smile.

"Yes, your grades!"

Y/n pov:

"You want to see my grades?" I ask slowly, I am unsure whether to feel offended or appreciative.

"I just want to make sure you aren't falling behind, Y/n." She says, I roll my eyes and turn back around. "Sure," I laugh and she doesn't push me any further. We sit in silence.


"Well, speaking of grades, I do have to work on my project."

"Oh mine?" She asks, and shit. She's right. I havn't actually done anything in her class. I've been to busy laying on her couch eating dinner with her- I have yet to work on her assignment.

"Oh, yes." I lie and I stand up. "I'm sorry I slept in your bed." I say awkwardly.

"It's fine, I really don't care." She smiles. "Buy Y/n, please work on my assignment." She adds, and I can tell she's serious. I nod and walk out her room and to the living room. Taking my laptop out and charing it. As I wait, I scroll on my phone until I get a ping on my phone. It's Sabrina.

Sabrina: hey friend
Sabrina: im going to be in town tonight- maybe we can do something? If your not busy
Me: hey! I'm not actually, i'd love to!
Sabrina: perfect, are you still at taylor's house?
Me: yes
Sabrina: okay- do you think it's okay i spend the night?
Me: I dont see why not! Do you want me to ask her?
Sabrina: no it's okay babe, i'll ask her. Ty ;)

I turn off my phone and pull up her assignment on musicals. I choose Wicked because well, it's Wicked, and I love it. I start doing research when my phone goes off again. My heart drops when I read the caller ID. My mother. It rings a few more times before I pick up.

"Hello?" I ask, and wait for her voice.

"Hi baby, I just wanted to call in and check on you." She pauses. "I miss you."

"You haven't talked to me in over two years."

"I know," she said, sighing as if she were the one who had suffered. "And I regret it. Like I just wanted to check in, see how you're doing."
"Check in?" I repeated, a sharp laugh escaping before I could stop it. "After everything you said to me? Do you even know how much you hurt me?"
"Y/n, let's not fight." She sighs, "I am still your mother."

"Yeah, I know." I scoff.

"I was only trying to help you see what's right. You know how important faith is, don't you? I've been praying for you every day."

"Stop," I snapped. "I don't want to hear this."

"Honey, don't be so dramatic." She says calmly and for some reason that makes me even more upset.

"I'm not, mom, I am simply telling you to not talk to me about that- especially when you treated me like shit after coming out." I raise my voice, and she's quiet.

"Well, I didn't know it was a crime for a mother to call her duaghter."

"No, it's not a crime," I said quietly, my voice shaking. "But it is cruel to call me just to twist the knife."

She started to say something else, her voice rising, but I didn't stay to hear it. My thumb hit the red button, and the call ended mid-sentence. I hear steps coming down the stairs, and I brush a tear off my face.

"Hey," she says, and doesn't make eye contact. "I think Sabrina may be spending the night tonight, if that's okay with you."

"Yeah, of course." I don't look up, and she doesn't realize I've cried. And I want to keep it that way. I start doing some research on her project and she sits across from me, eating ice cream.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2024 ⏰

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