Truning Mr Harrison upside down

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Bennet spent days scrubbing his hands on and off as blood seemed to stain them them disappear. He would lie awake at night as he heard her scream. It was so piercing it rung through his head all night and all day. Keeping him up. Depriving him of sleep. When ever he tried to go into town he heard her calling his name. Calling it desperately , she needed help but he could never find her. Every where he tried to go her calling him would follow. Ere was no getting away from it.
He went into the courtyard and clutched onto the bars of The Yard like a mad man or an alcoholic who had had a few too many the nigh before and now was screaming about the end of the world or something. Pulling the bars continuously screaming out the The Ravens.
" if this is your doing , Ravens. Is it !" He screamed out the them and they just ignored him.
It was driving him insane. He kept repeating it over and over again , with no response. Her voice calling his name again making him scream even louder.
" You can't ignore me forever Ravens. Is this your doing or is it not!" He screams for a final time and The Ravens stop.
" Silence Mr Harrison!" The Ravens shouted and he went quiet.
"You are causing a problem. Now if you don't be quiet we will have to kill you just like Marissa." The Ravens continued and Bennet cried at the mention of her as her lying dead on the floor flashed through his mind lying in her own blood.
" You wouldn't dare. You wouldn't dare touch an enlightened special like me." He shouts at them and they look at him.
" Try us Mr Harrison we dare you." The Ravens tormented as they played with him again.
Making him scream out in pain as he watched the moment Marissa was stabbed. Her scream echoing through his mind on repeat. He tried to fight against The Ravens but they were destroying

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