Their base of operations was hidden in plain sight: an abandoned subway tunnel beneath a major city, its entrance disguised as a forgotten maintenance hatch. The walls were covered with maps and photographs, pinned with notes in dozens of languages. There were faces of corrupt officials, corporate CEOs, and warlords, each with lines of red string connecting them to their crimes.
The air was thick with urgency as Noor stood at the center of the room, her voice calm but commanding. "We've tried everything else," she said, addressing the group gathered around her. "They've made it clear they won't change not through words, not through petitions, not through diplomacy. So now, we change the game."
"What are you suggesting?" Diego asked, his arms crossed. He had always been wary of crossing certain lines, but even he knew they were running out of options.
Noor gestured to the wall of faces behind her. "We stop playing defense. We take the fight to them. Expose them. Make them feel what we've felt—what the people they've crushed feel every day. We hit their wallets, their reputations, their empires. We make it impossible for them to keep hiding behind their lies."
Amal leaned forward, her voice sharp. "But we don't become them. No killing. No innocents. We aren't here to destroy we're here to reveal. We're the shadow of justice. The moment we lose that, we become part of the corruption."
There was a murmur of agreement.
Ezra tapped a laptop in front of him. "I've been digging into their networks for months. I have enough dirt on some of these people to bury them a hundred times over. If we leak this strategically, we can turn the public against them. Make the world see what they've been ignoring."
"Information is good," Diego said. "But it's not enough. These people are protected by more than their lies they have guards, armies, entire systems built to keep them untouchable." He paused, looking around the room. "We need more than leaks. We need actions."
Noor nodded. "We do both. Hit them where it hurts. Their offices, their supply lines, their propaganda machines. Make them fear the shadows. And at the same time, show the world the truth. Let them see who the real villains are."

ActionThe resistance came together from other countries to plunge America into chaos. There is no right or wrong just only survival.