Finally, after weeks of preparation, it was officially the wedding day of Natalie and Renard. The wedding took place at the grand cathedral of Aeterna, and everyone was invited, including Ryo. The wedding ceremony went without a hitch, but the same could not be said about the wedding reception. Like I said before, everyone was invited, so all members of the knight's guild were there, which means Erik the weavile was also there. Unfortunately, Erik had two weaknesses; women, and alcohol (Like most men). And the combination of both spelled doom for Erik.
"My daughter is finally a grown woman!" said sir Nicolas.
"Yes, we are so proud of you Natalie dear!!" said lady Evelyne.
"Thank you mom, dad..." said the sixteen year old glaceon.
Renard was dressed in an elegant, black clothing. He had a good taste in clothes. His father, Fernando Alvaro the Flareon, eventually praised the jolteon.
"Well, I guess you are not a loser after all.. Well done, son!" said Renard's father.
"Thanks father..." said Renard.
"Yeah! You have proven your worth you runt! We all envy you so much!" said Renard's brothers, who were all Flareon.
"Yo, Renard, my buddy! Congratulations!" said Brendan.
"Yeah! You two are a perfect couple! Right, Ryo?" said William.
"Absolutely!" said Ryo.
"Now let's go outside. The wedding reception is about to start!" said Renard to his friends.
In the front yard of the cathedral, various delicious foods were ready to be eaten. They were prepared by the finest chefs of Arcadius. Ryo took the magikarp sashimi immediately while Erik was stealing some bottles of Altomare wine. Erik drank the wine directly from the bottle in large amount while Ryo watched with dread.
"Um...Erik....I think you are drinking too much wine. You better stop. It's dangerous..." said Ryo.
"Ah! Nonsense! There is no such thing as too much wine! Altomare wine is the finest wine in the whole pokemon world! It would be foolish to waste such an opportunity to taste this 'holy' beverage!" said Erik.
"Leave him be, Ryo..." said Alicia.
"Ugh, who is this vile creature anyway? Anyway did I just call a weavile a 'vile' creature? Lol!" said Ariana. She was making too many enemies with her puns and sarcasm that everybody did not appreciate.
"Did Natalie actually invite Ariana?" whispered Ryo to Alicia.
"Well, guild master Caesar was surely invited. Since Ariana is his daughter, she was invited by default...Just stay away from her and everything will be okay..." said Alicia.
"Okay Everybody are you ready to hear the finest music while enjoying a glorious feast?! Please welcome princess Meloetta the soprano!!!" said the wedding MC. Everybody was clapping.
Meloetta had recovered from the crimson fever and sang beautifully while being accompanied by an orchestra. The orchestra was conducted by maestro Luciano Argenta, the nephew of arch bishop Antonio. He was a Cinderace, just like his uncle. As soon Erik heard the beautiful voice, he was completely struck by love. Drunk, he threw away the wine bottle and climbed onto the stage.
"You look beautiful babe....Can I 'do' you?" asked the drunk weavile to the meloetta.
The surprised Meloetta blushed in confusion as the maestro became enraged by the Weavile's act.
"You shameless and vulgar Weavile! Get off the stage you specimen of sin!" said the cinderace.
"HEY! At least I can make music 10 times better than you! The orchestra that you are conducting is total RUBBISH! Give me a violin!" said the weavile.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of Mundus
AdventureFollow the story of Ryo the Riolu and his friends as they ventured across Mundus, a continent of perpetual war ignited by the dragons, searching for the hidden sacred plates that were scattered in order to revive the dormant Arceus, as Arceus was th...