Chapter 4

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The beginning of this morning was a bit crazy. Jay and I had gotten up a bit late, so we had to rush around. We, luckily, ate before we left. I also threw together an assortment of or fruits into a container and packed it with me. By ten, we were on our way to meet Tim. Honestly, I'd rather be at the hotel, watching romance movie and bawling my eyes out.
'Today would've been Brian and I's three year anniversary.' I thought, looking out of the car window. I was up to my ears in thoughts, raging from Brian and I's first date to what I had thought our future would be like.
'Are you thinking of me Brian ? Do you miss me as much as I miss you ?' I wondered, averting my eyes from the person I saw in the widow. This wasn't me, this was who I'd been. I knew the (H/c) hair that fell in loose curls, that took me almost two hours, the make up that took me even longer. I was wearing an , and a Brian had also given it to me, for our two year anniversary.
To soon for my liking, we parked and Jay got out, with me following. Being around Tim was going to be awkward for me. Especially after finding out that he was the mysterious masked man, or Masky. I'd never told Jay about that night, as he would probably have a melt down.
"Hey Jay, (Y/n)." I waved slightly as Jay just nodded.
"How far is it from here ?" Jay asked Tim, who was casually leaning against a tree as he smoked a cigarette.
"Past that tree line and then some." Tim pointed to a far off tree line.
"Did we have to park so far ?" Jay inquired as we began to walk. I lagged back slightly, looking at my feet.
"Only if you wanted a guy pointed in your face by some guy in a pick up." Tim stated, putting out his cigarette. I kinda just tuned them out after that, still thinking about Brian. I know that I should move on, and considering how bad I was before now, I think,scratch that, I know that I'm doing so much better.
"(Y/n) ?" Jay waved a hand in front of my face, causing me to jolt as my thoughts flew out of my brain.
"Y-yeah ?" I stuttered, confused on why they were staring at me.
"Are you okay ?" Jay looked concerned, and I could feel Tim's concerend eyes boring holes into my body, but I ignored it. I'm not entirely sure why, but, I just can't look at him.
"Of course, why do you ask ?" I raised an eyebrow, placing my hand on my hip.
"You looked really deep in thought." I shrugged slightly and Jay ruffled my hair before continuing on with our walk. Tim lagged a bit, lighting up another cigarette.
"You know, those things will kill you." I stated, looking at him from the corner of my eye.
"I know....That's exactly why I smoke." I didn't catch that last phrase, but by the look on his face, I figured that I didn't want to.
"So, how're you holding up ?" This question struck something, and my heart seemed to drop to my stomach. Tim's concerned eyes looked into my sad ones.
"Best I can. How about you ?" Jay seemed a bit busy to join us, as he was filming everything.
"Same." And the small talk between us stopped. Fortunately, so did the walking.
"This has to much graffiti." Jay stated right off the bat, looking at the abandoned hospital. I rolled my eyes a bit.
'Sometimes Jay can be a bit of an asshole.' I watched as he convinced Tim to take us to the other building.It was quiet as we walked there, it was pretty creepy looking. We began to explore.
"I actually think this could work." Jay stated as Tim lit a cigarette.


After nearly an hour of wondering around, Jay had seen something, more like someone, and gone after him. Tim and I followed him. While I was running, a gust of wind blew, causing my hat to fly off of my head.
"M-my hat!" I cried and began to chase after it. I saw it land out of the building a bit. I screamed as I lost my footing and tripped, scraping my knees on the glass and concrete. It wasn't that bad

"(Y/n)! Are you okay ?!" Jay and Tim came rushing over to me.
"M-my hat!" Tears gathered in my eyes when I tried to stand. My knees buckled and my ankle gave out.
"I'll go get your hat, okay ?" I nodded and pointed to where it had landed. Jay looked at me worriedly before walking off, towards the exit.
"You sprained your ankle." Tim stated as he picked me up, bridal style.
"Once Jay gets back we'll have to take you to the ER. It looks pretty bad." I whimpered, biting my lip as I clung to him. Jay had been gone for nearly ten or fifteen minutes before coming back, empty handed.
"Sorry, I couldn't find it." Jay kissed my fore head as I finally broke. Giant, crocodile tears leaked down my cheeks and onto Tim's jacket.
"Jay, we need to get her to the ER. Her ankle is pretty badly sprained, if not broken." Tim said, his arms tightening around me slightly.
"Right, lets get going then." Jay and Tim began to head back to where the cars were. I hysterically sobbed into Tim's chest, feeling way more emotional than I should.

~*~Timeskip because Author-chan is lazy as fuck~*~

After the four hour wait in the ER, we'd found out that my ankle was badly sprained. They'd wrapped it and put a brace on it. Tim had work, so Jay said that he'd drop him off. He told me he was going to go and investigate the abandoned hospital and school. I was just supposed to hang out here, not that I was complaining. At the moment, I was watching The Nightmare Before Christmas.
While I was taking a break and making a salad, there was a knocking on the hotel room door. I limped my way over to it, thinking that Jay had forgotten his key card, so had to knock. When I opened it, there was no one there. I blinked and looked down the hallways. I was about to shut the door, before noticing a box with my name on it. I picked it up and shut the door, limping over to my bed.
I opened the box. The first thing I found was a (F/f). This caused me to smile a bit. The next thing that I found was an orange flower head band, which I gently took out and set on the night stand beside the bed. The third thing was my orange beanie that I'd lost earlier today. This caused my breath to catch in my throat. This was getting creepy. The last thing was a note.

'Dear (Y/n),
I love you very much. Happy anniversary.
​Love, Brian.'

Marble Hearts (Tim/Masky x Reader x Brian/Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now