"what's not troublesome mae pho"
"It's not like Mae and Pho are happy to stay at our house."
"ya phi sleepover saha" with face eyes ya
"I want to stay here."
"yasudah spend your meal first after that rest it seems like you are ready" (tired of running amok😂) mew continues eating yes after I have finished I also go to the room and shower
"What can you ask me?"
"Can you ask me what?"
"why phi is in front of the kana house and why phi hasn't eaten yet? didn't phi say the same kana would eat outside is there anything phi was hiding from kana" (is it nanya or what ya ko not really long) mew just smiled
"phi this is not a yes answer instead of a laugh indeed yes yes something is funny"
"no honey everything is fine, phi just wanted to meet kana so phi went to kana's house and about dinner phi didn't come because there was an affair so phi didn't go there" (cie lie 🤭)

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