The official story was that a "gas leak" forced the school evacuation. The unofficial story involved multiple card holders, reality-bending powers, and my history teacher - who apparently didn't trust our safe house - creating moonlight illusions to protect students from a corrupt preacher. Mike stared at his untouched milk tea in the safe house common area, processing not the existence of powers - he'd known about those since my first run-in with Diana - but the sheer scale of what we'd just witnessed.
"So," he said slowly, "when you said there were other holders, you meant..."
"Our history teacher? Yeah. Who, by the way, thinks this place isn't safe." I glanced at Sarah. "Something about asking you about your family's real role?"
Sarah's hands tightened around the ancient-looking book she'd been studying. She sat in a corner, surrounded by scrolls that someone had brought from the Chen family archives. The way she avoided looking at me hurt more than any power drain.
The safe house was in full emergency mode after the school incident. Maya moved between groups with tactical precision, organizing holder patrols and security measures. Kai stuck close to the younger kids, his emotional abilities helping calm their fears.
"Ms. Santos has her own... perspective on things," Lola Paz said carefully, appearing beside me. "The Chen family has been watching card holders for generations. They keep records, track patterns, preserve history. But they don't interfere."
"Until now?" I asked.
She smiled sadly. "Sarah broke that rule when she helped you. Just as I did. Perhaps that's what Ms. Santos is concerned about."
Before I could ask what that meant, Maya called everyone to attention. The cork board map had been updated, showing new danger zones around our school.
"Brother James now knows about three holders," she reported. "And we have two separate situations: our network, and..." she hesitated, "Ms. Santos's independent position. We're moving all training sessions to backup locations. No one travels alone. And..." She glanced at Mike. "We need to discuss expanded civilian integration."
"He's already involved," I pointed out. "Has been since Diana."
"True," Maya acknowledged. "But there's a difference between knowing and being actively part of operations."
Mike straightened. "I've been keeping Gab's secret since day one. Running interference, covering stories..." He grinned slightly. "Remember that basketball 'accident' that saved your probability-shifting butt?"
"That was on purpose?" I blinked.
"Please. I'm the team captain. I don't just randomly throw balls through doors."
"Speaking of interference," Sarah spoke for the first time, her voice tight. "The Chen family has protocols about non-holder involvement. Security measures. Especially now that Brother James knows about the school connection."
"More protocols?" Mike's voice rose slightly. "More rules? I get it - safety, secrecy, all that. But while everyone's been playing secret agent, I've been watching Gab's back without any fancy powers or ancient family guidelines."
"And how many close calls have there been?" Sarah finally looked up from her books. "Diana? The rooftop? Today at school?"
The tension in the room thickened. My mark hummed, showing possibilities of how this could play out - none of them good.
"Maybe," Lola Paz cut in smoothly, "we should focus on immediate concerns. The school situation is complicated enough without internal conflicts. Ms. Santos may not trust us, but she did protect the students. That counts for something."
"About that," I said carefully. "Kai mentioned Brother James has five cards, but what are we actually dealing with?"
"The Hierophant is his main one," Maya reported. "Power nullification, barrier creation. Page of Wands we know he took from Marco. The rest..." She shrugged. "We track effects, not specific cards."
"What we know," Sarah added, still tense, "is that he's collecting. Building power. The Chen archives mention something about an upcoming eclipse."
"The one he mentioned," I remembered. "What happens during an eclipse?"
"Powers change," Lola Paz explained. "During a solar eclipse, abilities become enhanced, easier to control. But a lunar eclipse..." She shook her head. "Powers become unstable, unpredictable. The stamina cost increases dramatically."
"Which is why we need everyone prepared," Maya added firmly. "Including our experienced civilian ally."
Mike blinked. "Me?"
"You've proven yourself trustworthy," Maya pointed out. "And capable. Time to make it official - proper training, protocols, emergency procedures."
"And you're okay with this?" He looked at Sarah. "Breaking more family rules?"
She was quiet for a moment. "The rules... they're meant to protect people. But sometimes protection means adapting. Taking calculated risks." She smiled slightly. "Besides, someone needs to keep Gab from doing anything too stupid with his probability powers."
"Hey!" I protested, but the tension in the room had eased slightly.
A phone buzzed - Sarah checking messages. "Ms. Santos has handled the school cover story. But she's... maintaining her distance."
"It's settled then," Lola Paz declared. "Maya, start advanced civilian integration. Sarah, check the archives - not just about eclipses, but about why Ms. Santos might distrust the Chen family's role. Kai, help the younger ones settle in - some may need to stay here tonight. And Gab..." She smiled. "Show your friend the full operation this time. No more partial truths."
As the groups dispersed, Mike punched my arm. "You know this still doesn't make up for all the half-explanations, right?"
"I know."
"And you owe me, like, a year's worth of milk tea."
"Also know that."
"And next time there's a showdown at school..."
"You'll what? Actually aim that basketball properly?"
He grinned. "Maybe. Besides, someone needs to document all this. For the record books, you know? Even the parts about teachers with trust issues."
Watching him join Maya for advanced security training, I felt something shift. The safe house felt different now - not just a hiding place, but a headquarters for our side of whatever was coming. Even Sarah had moved closer, her books spread across our table.
"The Chen family archives," she said quietly, "they don't just record holder history. They track patterns, connections, relationships. The way powers interact, how they affect each other. Especially during celestial events like eclipses." She paused. "Maybe... maybe that's what Ms. Santos is worried about. How much we know. How much we've recorded."
I thought about Mike's unwavering support, about Sarah's broken rules, about Kai's trust and Maya's protection. About Ms. Santos's warning and what it might mean. About how we were all connected now, powers or not, but maybe not all on the same side.
"So," Mike called from where Maya was teaching him emergency protocols, "when do I get my own cool glowing tattoo?"
"Never," Sarah and I said together, then caught each other's eyes and laughed.
Some things were changing - new security, new protocols, new dangers. But some things, like friendship and trust and badly timed jokes, those stayed the same.
Even if we now had to plan those jokes around evil priest attacks, power training sessions, and teachers with mysterious warnings about our own allies.

Playing Fate
FantasyThe story follows Gabriel "Gab" Santos, a 16-year-old provincial boy living in a Metro Manila boarding house, whose ordinary life transforms when he discovers a tarot card that grants him supernatural abilities. After a near-death experience activat...