A New Home

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Percy POV

Woah... That's all I could think of when I saw this place. It was just too beautiful. Mount. Olympus itself couldn't compete with this place. Just think of the most beautiful place you have ever seen and multiply it by 93849483. Nevermind it still would even come close to this place.

"Do you like your new home Omega?" Chaos asked me.
"Yes..." That was all I could say.
"I suppose you are at a loss for words, right?" He told me.
"Mmhmmm." I said.

We started walking around the place and eventually he took me to his mansion. Calling it big would be an understatement. That thing was obnoxiously gigantic. I walked in and noticed that the floor was made of solid gold and instead of glass he had diamonds.

Man, how does he get all of this stuff? I thought
Well I just create it. Said a voice in my head
Who is that? I asked the voice in my head.
It's me, Chaos, the guy right next to you, duh. He told me.
Oh. I thought sheepishly.
"Would you like me to show you too your home?" He asked me.
"YES!" I asked energetically.
"Boy, somebody's excited." He said smiling.
Wow, my real dad has interacted me more than Poseidon has my entire life. I thought.

We exited the mansion and walked for a little bit. When I saw my house I flipped. I had never thought that I would ever live in a house at all. Sure the cabin was nice but it wasn't very private. People could just walk in without asking. Not with this one. It was a 2 story house / small mansion that had a nice front yard. It had a nice dark blue and a khaki color to it too. The door was a dark shade of brown and looked very nice.

"Well I shall be leaving you to explore your new home." Chaos told me.
"Thank you... Dad." I told him.
"You're welcome, Son." He replied.

I hugged him, and he hugged back.

After that he headed back to his mansion and I entered my new home. The inside was nice. It had a wooded floor and nice paintings on the wall. I went into the living room and saw a giant flat screen TV about 60 inches , and a big couch. Next to the TV were 2 Aquariums, one on each side. They were filled with tropical fish and some that I didn't even recognize. I decided to go into my room since that was were I was going to stay the whole time. I had a king sized bed and it had blue sheets and pillows. There was a small book shelf with some books and a mini fridge next to my bed.

For midnight snacks. I thought.

I checked inside and saw some soda, chips, and candy. Chaos sure knows how to make his son happy. I decided to just lay down on my bed and just rest. After fighting all those monsters I think that I deserved a well earned rest. Before I knew it, I was asleep and headed for a new day.

The Next Day...

Omega can you come to my office I need to have a word with you? Chaos MM'd (Mind Message) me.
Ok, I'll be right over. I told him.

"Take a seat." He told me once I got to his office.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked him.

"Well, now that you are the new commander of my army, I was going to ask if you wanted to bring anybody back from the dead to be in your army, and don't worry Hades let me do this." He told me.

"Hmm, Ok I would like to bring back Luke Castillan, Bianca Di Angelo, Zoe Nightshade, Silena Beauregard, and Charles Beckendorf." I told him.

"Very nice choices." He responded.

A few seconds later they all stood in front of me confused and shocked.

"What are we doing here?" Asked Luke.

"I have selected you 5 to be part of Chaos' Army." I responded.

"Why us though?" He asked me.

"Because you all were heros and I felt like you deserve this opportunity." I said.

"Wow, I never thought that this would ever happen." Said Bianca.

They all mumbled in agreement.

"Well, I guess its time for me to give you all your special powers." Said Chaos.

He pointed his palm at us and started to give us our own unique orb of light. Mine being Blue, Luke's being gold, Zoe's Silver, Bianca's black, Silena's pink, and Charles' grey. The orb started to form an aura that surrounded us like a thin layer of clothing. I started to feel something growing on my back. I turned and saw a pair of jet black wings going on me, I looked around and saw that everyone had a pair of wings except that theirs were angel white. We all started to get new clothing to, like the stuff that assassins wear. We all got our own weapons too. I got 2 pens sort of like Riptide. They extended 6 feet outwards and were made of some different material. Void metal, the strongest element in the universe.
I looked and saw that Luke had a sword that was made of void metal too except his was 7 feet long and he had a small dagger with him now. Bianca and Zoe both had bows and a quiver but the tips were made of poisoned Chaos Iron and they had a 1 foot dagger. Silena had a sword made do Void Metal but encrusted with a gold and diamond handle. Beckendorf had a double bladed axe made of Void Metal and was flaming on both sides.

"Woah." I said.
"Omega, you are now the 3rd most powerful being in the universe besides me and my father, Void."Chaos told me with a smile.

"Were are we going to stay." Asked Silena.

"With Omega." Answered Chaos.

"This is going to be fun." I said


Thank you for reading the second chapter of my story.
If you have any ideas feel free to tell me.
Well I'll try to update soon
🌵 Cactus 4 Dayz 🌵
- Dat_StoryTeller

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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