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After A'isha and Faizah's reunion, she was added to the group chat as Faizah promised. Everyone was excited, hearing from an old friend whom the last time they heard from had something unfortunate happen to her was something to be happy and excited about, especially when she was okay and doing well.

They finally got to gather for the hangout they had been talking about.
Muhammad, Jamal, Hikmah, Layla, Ummi, Islam, Faizah and A‘isha.
A‘isha, Faizah, Ummi and Hikmah were classmates and friends.

A‘isha and Muhammad were friends at some point.

Faizah and Muhammad are family friends. Muhammad and Jamal were close buddies.

Jamal and Islam went to the same uni and became friends from just school mates.

Layla and Hikmah also went to the same uni and became friends from just classmates. Somehow they all linked up and Hikmah ensured to foster and maintain their sense of kinship.

She had always been a social person and enjoyed bringing people together.

'Who else are you in contact with?' A'isha mused, 'You basically keep up with everybody.' She was impressed.

'C'mon, our school was a small world. It's nice seeing old friends… ahh that reminds meeeeee, remember them head boy'

'We had 6 head boys during our time in school'


'God bless you' She was glad at least someone resonated.

'I and AbdulMalik follow each other on Ig and you wouldn’t believe all four of them are still in contact! Like visiting each other and hanging out contact. He has his own gym which is nice, he's an instructor also.'

'Well he has always been athletic.'

'I know right!'

'And omo, the four of them are still close o'

'They all attended the same uni actually' Muhammed chimed in. 'I hear of Uthman every now and then, he works at his parent's hospital here at Ib.'


‘What have you guys turned Ib to? Al Bushrah International Alumni‘s base ground?

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My name is Oyebola A’isha Oladunni,I am currently 26 years old and perfectly single. The major headache of Nigerian mothers.

My mom’s new course of action in matchmaking me with her friend’s son, my brother’s friends are first on the list. Mom, I love you so much but please No! Eww!!!

It’s not like I do not get suitors, I do get actually ‘husband materials’ infact, however, due to some reasons I always manage to turn them to ‘Gees’.

Some would say I'm being picky, but excuse me, this is my life partner not an handbag!

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