Chapter nine

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"They're coming to do what!?" Binx asked alarmed.

"Finish what they started," Glare repeated, "and it looks as if they've achieved a lot already."

"So, what do we do?" Binx asked.

"Well, you're all on a mission, right?"

"Yes, getting the power crystal."

"Then you should go do that." Glare moved to the entrance of the hole and put his claws on the stone blocking the entrance. "The storm should be over; I'll bring you over to Slash Town and get you a ride."

"A ride? What do you mean?" I asked.

As Glare began pushing the stone away from the entrance and responded, "there's somemon who gives wagon rides across the desert. He'll get you across this wretched desert in no time."

"Oh, I guess that beats scorching our paws off on the hot sand," I commented.

"Tell me about it," Blizzard muttered. Soon Glare had moved the stone away from the entrance and the sun shone brightly into the den. We stepped our way out of the den and into the scotching sun. We followed Glare toward the silhouette of a town in the distance.

"Over there is Slash Town," Glare commented, soon we made it Slash Town. It was large, the buildings towered over us, and markets were set up everywhere. The streets were cluttered with Pokémon, mostly consisting of electric types, fire types, ground types, and rock types. Occasionally a grass or dark type would stroll by, but no psychic types. As we walked deeper into town, I couldn't help but notice Pokémon stop and stare at me. I heard a general whisper spread through the crowd. I was getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

"Why are they staring at me?" I whispered to Binx.

"Probably because you're the first Espeon they've seen in many years," Binx responded.

"I... guess that makes sense," I responded slowly, "but still, I wish they'd stop staring."

"I feel you," Binx said sympathetically. I walked closer to Binx as he made me feel more comfortable, our pelts were practically touching as we walked. Soon we turned a corner and stopped.

"Here we are," Glare announced, "this is Thunder, he'll get you across this wretched desert." Infront of us was a wagon with two Tauros, on top of the wagon was a bulky Jolteon with an interested expression on.

"Hello there, need a ride?" Thunder asked.

"Yes, we do need a ride," I said, stepping forward a step.

Thunder looked at me and a surprised expression spread across his face, "well I'll be darned, you're an Espeon, wow, never thought I was going to see another one." Thunder jumped down and walked over to me, "my, never thought I was going to give an Espeon a ride." Thunder surveyed me for a moment, looking up and down. "I forgot how pretty you Espeon were, you're fur practically glows in the sunlight."

"Uh, thank you," I took a step away from Thunder as he was making me a little uncomfortable.

"Now, where do y'all want to go?" Thunder asked, clamping his front paws together.

"Just take us across the desert to the mountains on the other side," Binx said impatiently.

"Alright, to the Hollow mountains then," Thunder exclaimed. "Hop into the back of the wagon and I'll take you there," Thunder turned to me and smiled a gleeful smile, "free of charge."

I looked away from Thunder and followed my group to the back of the wagon. Once everyone was inside Thunder jumped into the driver seat and grabbed the reigns, giving a good lash of the reigns we set off.

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