Stoick's Furry

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I froze as I saw the bruises and Mutilation  on my son and in a voice powered by the furry of Odin shouted who dares lay a hand on my son! I frowned as everyone fell silent and watched as my son shifted and said calm yourself father while I did suffer by the hands of our own it has built character and I won't have anyone even  snotface being punished for teaching me to fight. I  shifted and said Hiccup this isn't teaching. He nodded and said your right its not  however as I have grown stronger from the experience I choose to let it go. You see a leader has a duty. I frowned and sang (top)

I sighed and looked down before turning to my mate and placed a hand on his snout and smiled as I said i have learned patience and endurance and suffering has been my teacher i swear to you my mate I will not fail you. I smiled as he nodded and growled you have done well so far. I chuckled and said yes but I've had a glowing example of both what a good leader is and the kind of person I don't want to be. I sighed and looked down before turning to the village and said you have all in your own ways contributed to the sickness of my suffering the inaction and the lack of attention to my injuries is honestly startling yes I hide them well but they are obvious if one looks closer. I shifted and looked down before turning to father and said father I ask you to be more attentive and observant in the next few years you will see in time the extent of the suffering I've endured. I shifted and finally sang

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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