Chapter 5

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"You're under arrest Jackie for the murder of Anabelle "Says leader of the NYPD.

My heart skipped, racing in fear and confusion as the NYPD barged into the apartment that I booked after the escape.

Marco and I successfully signed a deal with The Manger of blue Diamonds and luckily we didn't have to break the law this time.

Marco is probably back in California lucky him, and unfortunate me who remained behind to finish up something ended up getting caught up in this mess.

"Officer I I'm innocent...—"
I try to defend.

Before I say another word
A Familiar voice interrupts me just like the one from that Disco.
"Jackie oh Jackie Kharma surely is real".

I turn to identify the person and my eyes widen in shock
My body moves in discomfort.
It's like in the blink of an eye everything changed for me.

"Aren't you happy to see your favorite aunty Ava"She says.

Her Grey dyed hair with some stripes of black just add a flex to the moment,not to mention the sly grin on her face .

"Aunty what's this all about"I ask.

"When the time is right, you'll understand it all for now surrender yourself and spend the rest of your miserable life in prison"She chuckles.

"You know I would never do such if anything I'm a foreigner here ,I need a lawyer"I defend.

"Your crime needs no lawyer, just Freeze there and that energy for the cold prison walls"She says.

"Take her away!"Ava commands.

They mercilessly bruise my arms while putting cuffs on my hands.
"I've made many mistakes in my life but this is seriously and genuinely not me I'm being framed and you'll know it"I say.

The Police cyrin fills the streets of New York City as my name gets defamed.

Feels like the walls that shielded my peace have been crushed to fine dust.

The ride is later filled by the uncomfortable silence.
I here my thoughts consume me.
"Nathan I really miss you"I say to myself.

It felt like chapters are concluding with each pump of the heart.

"Jackie Adams imprisoned for the Kidnap and murder of Annabelle Carter aged 11years"The Breaking News headline read.

"CRUCIFY HER!"The citizens say as the police can passes in the street.

My heart weighs,Life really turned me down at this point.

"Here we are , welcome to your new apartment thug!"the NYPD mock while spitting at my feet.

I'm pulled and pushed into the Huge Prison .
They throw me in the Changing room and throw prison clothes at me.

As I change into them,the Prison warder gives me a number and im taken to take prison photos.

From there I'm taken to my Prison cell.
My heart gets real heavy and I feel cold.
"I wish I could erase the past"I say to myself.

"What do you have to say for yourself"The Prison Warder asks .

A sly grin appears on my face as I run my fingers in my hair.
"Ever listened to Let Go Let God by 1K Phew,Lee Vasi & Jor'dan Ar.."I ask her.

"Nope"she replies.

"Why though"she asks.
"Listen to it it's a nice song and you're get what I have to say for myself"I say.

With those words I head to my prison cell with hands in my prison pants.


It's a month of being in Prison and it's not as bad I thought though I still wonder why Aunt Ava did this to me.

I probably think it's cool because I was a thug in the past .
"Once a shining star now a shadow in the toxic walls of prison cells.

To be continued...
😏Listen to that song you'll love it 🌚☑️✅

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