Surprised Dinner

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She finished studying and came out to kitchen to see what she can eat for dinner. Calling bell rings, she goes to door and looks through the side window and see a delivery boy standing with a parcel. She gets scared but she opens the window.

Khushi – Tell me bayya.

Delivery Boy – Madam..there is a parcel for Khushi Gupta. Is this the house?

Khushi – Yes, but I can't open the door. Can you please keep the parcel at doorstep.

Delivery boy – Ok.... he kept the parcel at door step.

Khushi – What is the bill amount?

Delivery boy – Its prepaid....

He smiles and go back. Start his vehicle and rides away. Khushi looks surroundings quickly opens the door picks the parcel and locks the door again. She sighs heavily as though it was a big task. Landline rings she goes and picks it up.

Khushi – Hello (she is breathing heavily)

Arnav – Khushi

Khushi – Arnav Ji....(She smiles)

Arnav – Why are you panting? Any problem?

Khushi – Delivery boy had come. I was alone...I got scared...I asked him to keep the parcel at door...had to pick up and close the door soon... so I am panting... hmm (She sighs)

Arnav – ok...relax....(he smiles...) good to be cautious...

Khushi – right?? (she feels happy that he agreed with her action)

Arnav – Did you check the parcel?

Khushi – Not yet.... anyways...who will send anything to me... no one is at home. They will come and check.

Arnav – May be nobody use to send till today....but you are engaged now...don't forget (he tries to give hint)

Khushi – Oh (she gets excited, realizing his hint) you sent it to me? (She opens the parcel while on call) Thali? that too hot? exclusively for me? (she was explaining like a child) you know I had hot food after 12 years today morning and I got to eat again. Two two times....yuppie

Arnav – Hmmm (Smiles at her excitement) ok... you have the dinner..

Khushi – But why did you send food? Anything special? Your birthday?

Arnav – You are special. I don't need reason to order something for you...stop thinking go and have food...

Khushi – I saw the gift...

Arnav – Hmmm

Khushi – I can't keep it.

Arnav – Call me from that phone after dinner we shall speak.

Khushi – Did you have dinner?

Arnav – Will have now... bye..

Khushi – Thank you Arnav ji...bye....

He disconnects the call. She brings the plate, serves herself and relishes...each morsel...She ate stomach full without any taunt. Without any hesitation, she was satisfied. She washes the containers. Carefully fold the parcel cover, detaches the bill attached to it and keeps safely in her college bag. She places the container and the parcel cover in a old trunk given to her. She goes to kitchen and see if anything must be kept in fridge. She notices there was just a left-over roti about 5 morsels and dal in a used plate and everything was empty. She feels bad but she cheers herself up...

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