Chapter 108: A Soothing Sanctuary

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*Amy's P.O.V*

The celebration was a go. After the dojo has defeated Cobra Kai and they won't be in the finals for the tournament, we are doing what we have planned and that's going to get some drinks and even get some food because we all haven't eaten that much today. So everyone is having a drink, well if anything everyone is drinking a different kind of soda and I'm having water. I want soda really, really bad but because I'm with child now, I just thought it'd be nice if I started drinking water. It's not like I don't already but I shouldn't drink soda in the beginning stages of the pregnancy.

"Here's to Miyagi-Do.." Robby held up his cup of coke, "And for us defeating Cobra Kai."

"Miyagi-Do!" We all chanted as we then took a sip of our drinks and then we'll let chatter take over.

The whole gang is here. Sam, Miguel, Robby, Demetri, Kenny, Eli, and myself. We're all having a great time so far.

"The finals are literally coming up.." Sam started to say, "I can only hope our senseis have some type of idea about the training."

"I'm sure they have something planned." Miguel assured her as his hand was on her shoulder.

"I bet they're talking about it right now." I said as I leaned more into Eli's chest. He had his arm wrapped around me and I was getting comfortable. The tiredness of the pregnancy is already starting.

"My dad was with Johnny and Chozen.." Sam said, feeling unsure. "My dad had something in his hands."

"Like what?" Robby asked.

Sam shrugged. "I have no idea. I didn't ask him about it."

"I wouldn't worry too much about it." Miguel tells Sam but also Robby.

I said nothing as I closed my eyes for a bit to try and relax. I already feel like going to the hotel room because even when I'm not fighting, the pregnancy is already taking a toll on me.

"Are you okay?" Eli whispered to me.

"I'm just tired." I tell him.

"We can go to the hotel if you want."

"But we haven't been here that long."

"I'm sure the team would understand. They know you're pregnant and they would say that you need your rest."

"I don't want to be the party pooper." I pouted.

"You won't be a party pooper." He rubbed my arm, getting me to relax a bit more.

"Is everything okay?" Miguel asked as he took a look at Eli and I.

"The pregnancy is already taking a toll on her.." Eli explained.

"I feel okay if it's not too much. I just need to relax."

"You can go to the hotel room if you need to, Amy. It's important if you get rest, especially in the beginning of the pregnancy." Sam tells me, joining in the conversation.

I hate how my cousin is right. But we've only been here for almost an hour and it's crazy to me that I'm already getting tired. But it's not my fault.

"Okay, I'll get some rest." I said, "But I'm going to the bathroom first."

Sam insisted on coming with me because I'm starting to guess that she needed to go to the bathroom as well. But I also won't be surprised if this is her way of wanting to tell me something.

As soon as I entered and thankfully, it was just Sam and I, she suddenly said, "Axel is here."

"If he's here then where at?"

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