Connor woke up with Ryans arms wrapped around his waist. He stretched his arms, startling Ryan awake in the process. "Goodmorning, angel," ryan said lovingly in a tired voice, pushing his head in the back of connors hair. "Im sorry I didn't make us breakfast, I couldnt leave your side,"
Connor turned to face Ryan. He smiled at him, subtly stroking his hands down Connors torso. Connor placed a hand on Ryans face, smiling, taking it in. Then he gasped. "Oh my god, Jermaine."
Ryans face changed too. He sat up quicky with Connor. They both watched as Connor opened his phone. Several missed calls and messages from Jermaine. There had to be a search party looking for Connor now. He had went on his walk at 7pm, it was now 10am. Ryan looked back at Connor, worried. Connor called back Jermaine, and he answered in seconds. "Oh my god, Connor? Are you okay?"
"Yes, im okay,"
"Where are you? I was worried sick, i was just about to call the police,"
Ryans face scrunched and he mouthed "just now?"
Connor made a defeated face back at Ryan.
"Im fine, im sorry. I enjoyed the free time i had to think and ended up staying at a hotel. My phone ran dead so i never got your messages."
"Why is your location off?"
Connor clenched his teeth and made an uh-oh face at Ryan. "I- um. I think it might be a wifi thing. Not super good here,"
"Are you sure youre okay? When will you be home?"
"Ill be home in an hour, and yes, im okay."
"Am I being too much?"
"The fact that you needed to run away from me...I thought i was being a good husband by protecting you."
"We're fiancées"
Jermaine went quiet.
"Yeah, right. Be home soon, okay?" He said, sounding hurt.
Connor hung up.
He looked back up at Ryan, ready to hear his disappointment. But instead, he was positive. "One more hour i get to spend with you~" he said, leaning into Connor.Two hours passed before Connor got another phone call. Jermaine again. He answered. "Hey...i can tell youre upset with me. And i want to work it out. Im not going to rush you to come home, but you have a doctors appointment today at 2. Please be home before then. I want to be sure you and the baby are okay," jermaine said before hanging up.
Ryan looked over at Connor. "Maybe we should get you home. As much as i want to stay with you all day, i want to know the baby is safe too,"
"Today is the day," Connor said. Ryan tilted his head in confusion. "Today...we find out whos it is,"
"Oh...right..." Ryan said, beginning to feel nervous. "Did you tell jermaine you ordered a paternity test?"
"Of course not, i just dont know how theyll give it to me," Connor said, starting to pick up his clothes and get dressed. "I guess I'll call you tonight,"
"Wait, youre not walking back home. Ill drive you close to your house and without jermaine seeing me."Connor smiled his entire walk home. He thought about the night he spent with Ryan and the love he treated him with. He felt warm despite the cold, his face hot from blushing. However the bliss was short lived. He soon felt a nauseous sensation in his stomach. He picked up the pace and made it to him and Jermaine house. Connor fell to his knees on the porch and clutched his stomach. His vision became dizzy and he held his head. Soon he heard Jermaines voice and he was being lifted into the house.
Jermaine wiped his face with a cold towel. "Are you okay? I was so worried," he said concerned. " fine okay..." Connor said, trying to sit up. Jermaine stroked Connors hair for a moment until the color came back in his face. "Where did you really go, Connor?"Connor looked at Jermaine. "A hotel?"
"Don't lie to me," Jermaine said calmly. "There are no hotels in walking distance. I really hope you didn't walk four hours for a hotel." Connor pressed his lips together and shook his head. "I don't know what to tell you, its the truth." Jermaine looked down and sighed. "Okay...if you say so," he said defeated.A few hours later, Connor was getting dressed for his doctors appointment. He was wearing a maternity shirt Jermaine had just gotten him. It was pretty loose on him right now, as he still wasn't very far along. His pants were worn jeans that were beginning to get too tight in the waist. Connor looked at himself in the mirror, studying his body, the new weight on his body. It triggered something in him, something he had long repressed. Visions of his hair falling out, throwing up in the toilet. He thought he recovered. But seeing his once thin body begin to put on shape, it brought back the feelings of hate and body distortion he thought he got over. His breathing became labored and he clutched his head in a panic. Whimpers escaped his mouth as he wheezed from his lungs tightening. All of the memories came flooding back. Tears formed on his face looking at his reflection, and he gripped his stomach so savagely like he would rip it right off of his body. "CONNOR!"
He paused. It was Jermaine, calling for him from downstairs. He glanced at the digital clock on his nightstand. 1:24. They should probably get going now.
They arrived at the doctors at 1:47. Jermaine opened the door for Connor but didn't look at him. Once Connor was out of the car, Jermaine placed a hand on his back to guide him inside. "Just have a seat, I'll get you checked in," Jermaine said in a coarse voice. Connor looked at the floor, listening to the clock tick on the wall, Jermaine's voice a low muffle along with the receptionist's. He began to feel dizzy again, possibly from pregnancy, but also from skipping breakfast. He began to think of when his sickness started. It was when he first started liking Jermaine. They had subtly flirted before, and Connor quickly caught feelings. He compared himself to the women Jermaine liked before him. They were all thin and perfect. He tried to not let it bother him, but it ate him alive. After that it was uncontrollable. Jermaine pretended not to see it. He had to of heard him throwing up. Did he even-
"Connor McMullen?"
He snapped back to reality. Jermaine was standing over him, hand outstretched. "Come on, sweetie," he smiled. "Lets see how the baby's doing."

Toasty Love (Elijah x GE oven)
Teen FictionAfter deciding to make himself dinner, things with the oven get a little steamy. How does he hide his passionate love for his household appliance?