Chapter 9

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"Demi." Simon sighs sitting next to me. We just finished the first live show of the season and I am all Adrenalin. 

"Yes." I state looking at him. 

"Well, can you tell me about Alexis and the reason behind her name?" Simon asks 

"Oh, well I just really liked the name Alexis growing up. Marie just fit I guess. I don't know. Um, well she's very musically incline. If you play her one of your artists' new singles she can tell you immediately if it'll be a hit or a miss. She get's that from you. She get's her smile from you. He also makes me laugh when i'm sad just like you used to do. Simon, she's you with my ability to sing. " I explain

"Demi, I love her and I've only known her for about a month. I just want to protect her from everything in the world." Simon states looking at me. 

"The only problem though is she doesn't like Lauren. She was so happy and she actually was thinking about staying here but when she met Lauren she just snapped. She said 'mom I wanna go home' I want you to be a part of her life that was the only reason I took the job in the first place." I tell him.

"If you guys do end up leaving could we maybe make an arrangement where I can still be in her life without Lauren?" He asks

"What do you mean." I cross my arms getting skeptical.

"Like every other Christmas i'll go to LA to be with you guys. I'll also spend thanksgiving with you guys we don't celebrate it over here. I'll come over for her birthday. When's her birthday?" Simon asks grabbing my arm

"Her Birthday is March 3rd." I inform him. 

"What did she look like when she was little?" Simon asks

"There was no denying she was your child." I tell him as he looks down and I saw a small smile grace his face. 

"Do you have any picture that I could maybe have?" Simon asks playing with the hem of white tee shirt. 

"I have one you can have. Come to my house when you leave here."I state as Alexis walks in.

"Mom can we go?"  Alex asks

"Yeah." I smile waving goodbye to Simon and walking Alex out of the X Factor studios. 

I was folding a blanket when Simon walked in. 

"Follow me." I motion him to my bedroom. 

I grabbed the picture on my dresser. 

"This is Alexis when she was about nine months old. " I explain handing Simon the picture of Alex holding her feet trying to roll over. 

"She's beautiful." Simon says and I can see tears willing up in his eyes. 

"Yeah. She is." I smile as Simon does something unexpected. He hugs me and kisses my head repeatedly. 

"Thank you this means a lot to me." Simon sighs wiping some tears. 

"Do you want to stay here tonight?" I ask 

"Yeah, um i'll go sleep on the couch." Simon nods.

"You can sleep with me if you want, it won't be weird we technically are still married." I suggests. He soon crawls in the bed with me sleeping in the clothes he wore on stage and I hold back a quiet laugh.

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