Chapter 27

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3rd person's pov

Hoseok ducked out of the way, dodging a large ball of electricity thrown his way. He was growing tired of fighting this young man, who they still had not learned the name of. All he knew was that this young man was after the file that he was given, it held viable information that could seriously put a lot of those who have done bad deeds away in jail. He groaned internally, wanting nothing more than to finish this fight without dragging it out any longer. He could sense that the people nearby were starting to worry, he could also sense the slight tense emotion circulating in the soulmate bond which concerned him. He wanted to get to the bottom of this fighting ring and bring them all to justice, hoping to protect the very town he has lived in for years. Taehyung appeared behind the young man, kicking him in the back. This sent the young man flying forward, Hoseok jumped to his feet and punched the guy in the face. He hit the ground, knocked unconscious as Taehyung brushed himself off. He looked down at the young man, shaking his head and looked back up at Hoseok. The two of them had been fighting this young man for about twenty minutes, some of the surrounding shops had taken slight damage but Hoseok managed to make sure that nobody was injured or caught in the crossfire. A small communication device fell out of the young man's pocket, landing just an inch away from Taehyung's feet. Both of them looked at the device, which started beeping signaling that someone was trying to communicate with the young man.

"Shit." Taehyung cursed, "I never seen something like this," Taehyung bent down to touch it but Hoseok stopped him, "Don't touch that!" Taehyung looked at Hoseok confused, "Why?" He asked, standing straight. "We don't know how that thing works.. From what I can tell, it could be a communication device or it could track his location." Without another word, Taehyung zapped the device with electricity and blew it up. The device completely blown to bits and pieces, there was no way that someone would be able to use it to track or communicate with, Taehyung's quick thinking made sure of that.

"What are you doing?!" Hoseok looked at Taehyung in shock.

"If it's a communication device then touching it would be a bad idea. We don't know what could have set it off. And if it's a tracking device then that's worse, we can't have them overhearing our conversation or tracking us back home. Not when Riley is still learning to use her powers. The best option is to destroy it." Taehyung shrugged, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"And what if destroying the device alerts his people that something is wrong?" Hoseok tilted his head, "Hyung, we'll be fine. If they try to trace it back to us then we'll be ready for them." Taehyung shrugged again, making Hoseok sigh and shake his head.

"I didn't expect you to do something as reckless as this. You are just as bad as Jungkook."

"How so?"

"You both are impulsive. You lack patience and Jimin's the perfect example of how one should contain themselves from carrying out those impulsive thoughts. You two could learn to be a little less impulsive and think things through." Hoseok wagged his finger at Taehyung, who just rolled his eyes. "I knew you were going to say that," He said, clicking his tongue. Taehyung knew that whoever sent this guy was going to possibly come looking for him but he didn't care for that at the moment, he just wanted to know why this guy wanted the file so bad. "He really thought he was going to be able take down both of us?" Taehyung questioned, Hoseok shook off his jacket and dusted his pants as he caught his breath. "He's an idiot either way. We're gonna take him back with us, get him to give us some answers." Hoseok wrapped a bandana around the young man's face, covering his eyes so he couldn't see where they were going should he wake up while they were carrying him. He then picked him up and threw the young man over his shoulder, nobody seeming to question anything considering people witnessed this young man attack them. Most people in this town knew the Bangtan Crew, they knew that they wouldn't bring harm to anyone who didn't deserve it. People figured that if something was going on such as a fight with an outsider, they knew that the boys were usually the good guys in the situation. Taehyung stared at his soulmate for a minute, he seemed rather unsure of Hoseok's method but he knew that they wouldn't get answers if they fooled around. "Are you sure taking him back to our place is such a good idea?" He asked, grabbing the bag with the file in it. He slung it over his shoulder, walking beside Hoseok who had already started towards their cabin. "It'll be fine. Namjoon has that a secret room in the cabin that he uses for things like this. Things that need to stay secret. Come on."


At the cabin....

Yoongi and Jungkook rounded up all of the young men that had attacked them, they were all still unconscious and currently being placed in the back of a magic mobile. The magic mobile looked like a truck, Riley was shocked to see the kind of technology they had as magic cars and vehicles were not a thing where she came from. She watched the officers place the men in the back, standing beside Jimin and Jin. After the initial fight was over, Jin had taken the spell off of Riley's room. When Jin opened the door, Riley practically threw herself at him and started bombarding him with questions. Knowing just anxious she had been, Jin and Namjoon reassured her that everything was alright while Yoongi and Jungkook went back outside to tie up the unconscious men. Riley was relieved to see that they were okay but was concerned as she saw the small scratches and cuts Namjoon and Jin obtained from their fight, she insisted on patching them up which only made Namjoon's heart swell. Jimin thought her fussing at them was adorable, in a way, she was a bit like Jin in the sense of wanting to make sure they were all okay. As Jin was the oldest, he tended to fret when one of them got injured and it seemed that Riley was the same way. Yoongi contacted the authorities so that the men couldn't get away with attacking their home, making sure that they knew these men were dangerous. After sharing some final words with the officers, Yoongi walked towards the small group as the magic mobile pulled away from the cabin. They watched it disappear down the dirt road, heading the opposite way of town. "Everything's all squared away with the officers. Apparently, The Department of Fraud Investigation have been tracking the same fighting ring Hoseok is looking into for months now. They haven't had a solid lead linking their prime suspect to the ring but with those men in their custody, they should be able to find him soon." Yoongi explained, "Seriously?" Jin asked, "Yeah," Yoongi nodded, "I call that a coincidence... Hobi got that request just recently. Maybe someone from inside the Department put that request in because they couldn't figure it out." Namjoon crossed his arms, "I wonder if he knows who sent him the request."

"Well, we can ask him when he gets back." Jimin suggested.

"What the hell?" Yoongi's statement made everyone look in the direction he was, all of them taken by surprise as Taehyung and Hoseok were walking back towards the cabin with someone slung over Hoseok's shoulder. Taehyung looked up, nearly stopping in his tracks as he saw everyone standing outside. Hoseok also looked confused, wondering why everyone was gathered outside. He tilted his head, adjusting the young man on his shoulder. Lucky for them, the young man was still unconscious.

"What are you all doing outside? Were you waiting for us to get back this whole time?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows at the group.

"No, Namjoon and I were attacked by some men. These three returned as we were fighting them off." Jin explained.


"Are you alright?" Hoseok asked, "Yeah, we got some small cuts and scratches but we'll live." Hoseok and Taehyung immediately looked over to Riley, both giving her a once over checking for any sign of injuries. Both were relieved when they saw no visible injuries, "You two have nothing to worry about. I'm fine." Riley said, as Jimin put his arm around Riley's neck. "Was she in the fight as well?" Taehyung looked at Jin, "No. Riley was in her room the whole time. I casted a spell to make sure that if someone got into the cabin, they couldn't get to her." Jin said, "I was sleeping after you guys left. I was woken up by the cabin shaking and then Jin used magic to let me know that everything would be okay." Riley explained, leaning into Jimin. "Where are the guys that attacked you?" Taehyung asked, Hoseok and Taehyung looked around but saw nobody. They just saw disturbed patches of grass and broken trees nearby, which was evidence that a fight took place there. "I turned them over to the authorities. Apparently, they Fraud department has been looking into that fighting ring as well." Yoongi stated.

"Really?" Taehyung looked shocked, "Yeah.. I heard about that from the person who gave me the request. He said something about the Department not having any leads for months and it was starting to cause problems with the higher ups." Hoseok stated.

"Well, do you know who gave you the request?" Jimin asked, "No, they didn't really give me a name." Hoseok shook his head, "Could it have been possible that the person who gave you the request is an officer in the Fraud Department?" He questioned, Hoseok thought for a moment.

"It's a possibility." He nodded.

"By the way, Hyung... Do either one of you recognize this logo?" Jungkook took out his sketchpad, he walked over to Hoseok and Taehyung and showed them the logo. They were surprised to see the logo, it had been the same one that Hoseok spotted the first time he looked into the fighting ring. Hoseok had shown it to Taehyung when they first started tracking down the first lead, the logo also happened to be in the file that Taehyung was carrying in the bag.

"That's the logo the fighting ring is using. Where did you get that?" Hoseok asked.

"This was tattooed on the men that attack Jin and Namjoon hyung."

"Those men must have been from the fighting ring, they were most likely after me." Hoseok sighed, "Whose the guy on your shoulder?" Riley asked, "Oh.. He followed us when we met up with Hobi hyung's informant. When we got what we needed, he wanted the information and tried to attack us but he didn't stand a chance." Taehyung said, adjusting the bag on his shoulder.

"I assume whatever information you two obtained is in that bag, huh?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, looking between the two.

"You could say that." Taehyung nodded.

"Why did you bring him here?" Jimin tilted his head, "For questioning. Don't worry, he's blindfolded so he doesn't know where we are. I'm gonna take him to the room." Hoseok walked off towards the cabin, "He's just taking him in there? Will that be okay?" Riley grew concerned, "It'll be fine, Riles. That man doesn't have a clue where he is and he has no way of communicating with whoever sent him. I made sure of that." Riley furrowed her eyebrows at Taehyung's comment, "What did you do?" Jin raised an eyebrow at Taehyung, he knew that Taehyung could be impulsive in certain situations. "I blew up his communication device. Come on, I'll explain more inside." With that, they followed Taehyung into the cabin wondering what information was so important that it made this guy go after them.

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