Chapter 25. You sure i'm gay?

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Harry's POV

It had been two days and I was STILL laying in bed.
The nurse had brought me lunch, breakfast, and dinner, though. She was nice. What was her name again? Madam.. Pompom?
Hermione brought me my homework, and I slowly relearned my first year spells. She was a good teacher. That's what she should be when she grows up.
Hell, I thought I was pretty good, myself.
  "Knock knock," I heard from the doorway, and of course, it was Ron.
"Hello." I said, smiling at the familiar face.
   "Aye." He said back, smiling.
  He pulled up a chair next to my bed and plopped down in it. It reminded me of the blonde.
"How are your spells going? Hermione told me she had been working with you." He asked.
  "Great. I actually know a few. Basic, anyway." I said.
  "Oh. Awesome. So, do you remember anything yet?" He asked.
"Hmm.. Well, who and what do you want to know?" I asked, giving him a curious but silly look.
"How about me?" He asked, pointing to his chest heroically.
"Well, umm.. You almost gave your life for me in a mad game of wizard chess in first year." I said with a laugh, replaying the memory oh-so-long ago.
"Aww, yeah! That's the first thing you remember about me." He said, high-fiving me. "Ron weasley, the boy who almost gave his life up for the famous Harry Potter, the chosen one, in a game of wizard chess in first year at the one and only, Hogwarts." He said, moving his hands as he spoke.
  We both laughed.
It was quiet for a moment, but I broke the silence with a question.
"Hey, what did you mean, "I better speak to my boyfriend," the first day you visited me?" I asked. "Yesterday." I corrected myself. It just seemed like days I had been here, locked in this bed. (Not literally)
"Oh," his face turned bright red.                      Well, you see, that boy - he was blonde, wearing green robes, who came and visited you, he was umm, " Ron stuttered, blushing and scratching the back of his neck, " your boyfriend, Harry. He was your boyfriend." He finished.
"What?" I let out an awkward laugh. "I'm straight." I said.
"Evedintly not, you guys had been dating for a while.. You know, making out in broom closets. You guys thought it was a secret but everyone knew." He laughed.
I felt my face flush red. "No way!" I almost yelled.
"Yes way." He answered, a smile still on his face.
"This is frustrating." I said, putting my hand up to my forehead again.
"Hey, why hasn't he came and seen me?" I asked, uncovering my face.
"Well, you see, he wasn't a good boyfriend. He-umm.. Cheated on you. Yeah. But nobody knew. He's with someone else now." He said, and his face turned red once more. It was almost the color of his hair.
"Who?" I asked, concerned.
"Uhhhhhh.... You don't know him." He said, looking down at his shoes.
"I bet I do. He goes to our school?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said nervously.
"Well?" I asked again, almost annoyed.
"Alright. Alright. It's Dean Thomas." He spit out.
Dean had come to visit you yesterday. Little did you know that he was a boyfriend-stealer!
But little did you know that your boyfriend was a cheater also.
You puffed up your cheaks in anger.
"How could he!" I yelled, pulling myself off of my bed and stomping and pacing around my tiny hospital room.
Ron scooted his chair so that he could face me.
"Ugh!" I yelled out, throwing my hands up in anger.
"I'm sure he just did it because you lost your memory. You had it pretty bad. You still do." He said, trying to cheer me up.
"Ugh." I repeated. "That doesn't give him the right to cheat." I said, scooting up in a ball in the corner, laying my head inbetween my knees.
"Hey, it's alright, mate." Ron said, sliding down the wall next to me and setting his hand on my left shoulder.
I looked up at him.
"Am I really gay?" I asked.
"Well, I don't know. I guess you don't have to be. Maybe you're bisexual. Maybe you're just straight and he forced you. I don't know, that's your decision." He said, looking away from me, moving his hand and setting it in his lap.
I kept my eye on his hair, it was a shiny red, I guess it was pretty in this lighting.
When you looked at him, his eyes were always on me. He never focused on anything else. He made me feel like I was the most important thing he could ever need.
If you looked into his eyes, your face heated up, you got all sweaty, nervous, you felt like you could get lost in those eyes.
Like a sea full of feelings.
His freckles lighted his face just right. Not bad looking, but not intimidatingly handsome, just right.
"Harry?" He asked me.
I looked up at him again.
"Are you alright?" He asked me, concerned.
"Oh, Ron!" I threw myself into his arms, letting the tears fall out.
He awkward patted my back as I draped myself over his neck.
"Why would he cheat on me?" I asked through tears. I felt bad. I was probably wetting his robes.
"I don't know, Harry." He said, and I pulled away so that my hands were still on his neck and our faces were inches apart.
"I would never do that to you." He said, smiling at me, eyes locked.
I smiled back, and I'm sure it was awkward, but I couldn't help it. He was charming, In a way.
He leaned in, and so did I.
I'm sure best friends didn't do this.
I moved my hands from the back of his neck and to his cheaks, sitting down on his lap.
We sat like that for a while, his hands on my back, pulling me closer.
Lips moving together, Us both blushing the whole time.
This whole thing was a weird situation.
Memory-lossed Potter, with best friend Ron, having a light make out session in the corner of my hospital room.
I pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm definetly gay."

{I'm fucking dying ok it gets better I promise no Ron x Harry or Ron x Draco, drarry will happen in the next 2 chapters!! No spoilers!! Goodbye }

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