January 6th.Three Kings' Day, day of gifts, magic and illusion.
Day of not stopping dreaming, regardless of how old we are.
To see hope in every smile around us and love in warm hugs.
Dreaming of loving again, of forgetting, of maintaining the calm and peace in which we are or dreaming big and changing course without looking back.
Day of excitement for a new project that we are going to start, of the trip that we are finally going to take or of kissing that special person again.
Magic for a new year with its 365 possibilities of being a little happier and more authentic.
Day of looking at our inner child again and not forgetting it for a minute. Of the innocence with which it continues to awaken our interest in the little things. Of the excitement of discovering and valuing every little detail.
A day to keep the sparkle in the eyes with which our child would be looking at us, and with the infinite possibilities we have to make him happy.
Queen of Hearts
RomanceDiary of how to survive a breakup and survive the search for love in the 21st century. A century where it is easier to find sex than to find love.