The beginning

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It's around midnight,

        Hana (24 y/o) Was walking back home; She was wearing a large black hoodie thats complimenting her raven-black hair that was let down reaching almost half of her back, a pear of white leggings to keep her from the cold wind of this snowy night, A pair of black faux leather boots, a large white scarf was wrapped around her neck, a red beanie and her walking cane on her hand to help her navigate. 

       Her shadies and walking cane makes it obvious what she was.

       She was looking a bit down, deep in thoughts; the memories of her friends's voices fading one by one as the make excuses to leave for a bit and come back, letting her wait for hours in the park until it turned dark outside and started to snow on her.. They never came back. Obviously she was disappointed. She was too deep in thoughts in fact she trailed off the side walking without noticing and walks into a dark nerrow alleyway.. 

      She was using her white cane to navegate, moving it from left to right, its end slightly rised above the ground, 

     _"I am used to it by now... Its not like anyone wants to be friend a burden like me, i am useless without any help from someone...." she thought to herself while walking. 

     It didnt take long for her to snap out of her thoughts, Her cane had hit something, Hana poked the obejct infront of her; it was too soft to be a log, and it was too hard to be a matress or a pillow. What weirded her out was a strong smell of......Blood? nah, she was overthinking it. She shrugged, using her cane she navegated her way around that thing, her foot made faint splashes on the floor as she moved around the object, finally she walked away from it. 

     What she didnt know is that she was surronded with atleast 10 men.. All stood quietly surronding her while she was inspecting the "object", their guns all pointed towards her head, But they didnt shoot. A tall man, almost 6"6 in height, with blond white hair, Hazel eyes and pale skin, Stood in the corner, He was in the dark but they still could make out that he was glaring at them; almost warning them not to shoot and to stay quiet, His narrowed eyes almost saying "not a breath."He watched her as she pocked the dead body, trying to figure out what it was, he knew she was blind, its almost obvious. His eyes continued to follow her as she walked around and away from the body.  

    He ordered one of his henchmen to follow her, a quiet whisper that revealed his deep hoarse voice "follow her, get me her address.." he said while pointing at her.

    His henchmen nodded, he quickly catched up with Hana, walking after her while leaving a safe distence. He made sure to make the least noises he could, the sound of his footsteps matching hers... And the poor girl didnt know she had caught the eyes of a dangerous man, or that she was stalked by one of his men, she just walked.... In her head, she was thinking what to order when she gets home... 

                                                                                                                              To be continued.....

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