Sole Power

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(A/N: Not necessarily "back" with this book but what can I say, I watched Sonic 3 and I'm obsessed. I can't get that movie out of my head!!! That movie just hits different when you know grief personally. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and that I haven't lost my touch. Maybe I'll try to get another out before I lose steam.)

(1/13/25 A/N: So I'm stupid. I never realized the gang was only like 3 foot something until like 2020 or so. Even the movie didn't help put that together. You're the same height as Sonic and the others, either size yourself down or size them up. That makes Eggman a freakishly tall human being 😭 I'm sorry.)

"What's so awesome that you had to bring us all the way out here?" Sonic asked, slightly annoyed after the very long run to the middle of a canyon—well, long in distance but not in time thanks to him being the blue blur and all—when, currently, it seemed like this meet could've happened out front Tails' workshop.

"Well, for starters, I technically only brought you all the way out here." Tails smirked. "You decided to bring a plus-one." He gestured to where you were currently standing beside his weird 'Tailsmobile' vehicular device.

With a dramatic sigh, bringing the back of your hand to your forehead in feigned dismay as you acted out, "Oh! And to think of how rudely he whisked me away from a day of relaxation!"

"You mean a day of hogging my hammock and watching cheesy cartoons like a child?" Sonic smirked at you, crossing his arms as he remained amused by your childish display of theatrics. All you could do was stick your tongue out at him in return.

"Focus, kids!" Tails rolled his eyes. "Now, check it out! Voice activated controls!" You took note of how very excited, and also proud of himself, the fox seemed as he began to introduce his latest technology. "Start engine!" He declared to the machine.

You watched as the engine turned on and the Tailsmobile began to hover, raising Sonic and Tails with it as they remained in the cushiony seats. "Impressive, Tails!" You beamed.

"Let me try!" Sonic nodded. "Give me a chocolate shake."

You watched as a glove compartment of sorts opened, allowing room for a mechanical arm to reach out and hand the hedgehog a milkshake, already in its glass and topped with whipped cream. "Vanilla?" He whined when he took note of the color ice cream in the glass. "I asked for chocolate. Fail!"

The compartment opened again, and this time the arm brought out a pitcher. You watched as it poured chocolate syrup all over your hedgehog's pristine quills. When he let out a surprised exclamation of disgust, you couldn't help but laugh at him. "Complain and you shall receive, I guess!" Your remark was met with a very cross and unimpressed look from Sonic.

"Still working out the kinks..." Tails grimaced, hoping to remain in Sonic's good graces. "There's a towel back at the workshop!"

Sonic set down the shake on the dashboard and hopped out, but before he ran off, he wiped a little chocolate syrup off his head with his gloved hand and smeared it on your cheek with a very cocky smirk. You were appalled, mouth dropping open in shock. "Hey!" You scolded him. He merely sent you a sly wink and gave your ass a quick, gentle pinch before running off, and that's when it hit.

A very loud, very deafening, unbearable droning sound that pounded against your eardrums like cannons.

Both you and Tails instinctively covered your ears, desperate to lessen its effects. The Tailsmobile began to shake and beep uncontrollably as the sound began to dissipate, leaving you just enough time to grab onto it before it took off down the canyon.

"Tails!" You cried out in alarm, your body dangling in the wind as the vehicle rushed down the path at ugh speed. When it veered around a corner, you used the momentum to help swing your legs forward, planting them firmly on its side to keep yourself steady.

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