*what I picture London to look like*
'Everyone has secrets. Everyone tells lies. Everyone is fair game.'
"Hey Em, was that Will I heard?"
I looked up from my Cheerios as Em's mom walked up to us. I had stayed the night at their house because my parents wouldn't be back until sometime during school and my older sister went out with her on-and-off-again boyfriend, Tyler, and I got bored so I snuck into Em's room and slept on her rug. Though I never heard Will last night. Oh well, I'm a heavy sleeper.
"Yeah. We crammed in a Calc quiz."
"Pre dawn?" Maggie turned to me, "And what about you?"
"I'm smart Mags." I managed to get out with a cheerio filled mouth.
Maggie rolled her eyes at her nickname, "I thought teens were suppose to sleep till noon and rot their brains with video games?"
Emma took a sip of her coffee and chided, "Well maybe you've got a defective one?"
Mrs. Duval laughed and Emma sent me a quirky smile before asking her mom, "So how's Clark?"
"Ooh!" I sat up straighter and looked intently at Emma's mom.
"That's Sheriff Hudson to you, both of you. What are you two talking about?"
Em smiled, "Oh come on, he totally likes you!"
Maggie looked over at me for an input so I just wiggled my eyebrows suggestively and did a quick hip thrust before turning back to my cereal with an innocent smile plastered on my face.
"We work together.. Often over dead bodies." She turned back to her newspaper and Emma took that as her chance to speak.
"I just think you deserve a second chance."
Mrs. Duval replied sarcastically, "Well now that I've got your permission I'll remember to fall madly and deeply in love."
I was about to make a comment about her last words by singing Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction but decided against it.
Instead I said, "Don't act like it's impossible."
Em butted in, "I mean it's not like you're dead."
Maggie ignored us both and said, "Both of you get your stuff. Let's go."
Emma and I just looked at each other before getting up and heading outside.
• • •
We all stared at where Audrey Jensen and Noah Foster were before Emma diverted our attention to her.
"I thought we all agreed to trash that video?"
I knew she was referring to the newly viral video of Audrey Jensen making out with some chick.
I just sighed and moved my legs on top of Brooke's thighs. We were both on the actual table part of the table while everyone else was on the bench part.
Brooke turned to Emma, "She was bound to come out one day."
I nodded in agreement, "Look at her." Before turning my attention to my newly mint colored nails.
"I mean what's even the big deal is she is lesbian?"
Emma gave Jake a spiteful glance, "The big deal is that she didn't choose to tell the world!"
"Dumbass." I murmured to my ex.
I'm guessing he heard because I felt a harsh pinch on my calf.
Emma sent him another glance and warned, "Jake?"
He parted his mouth, "Look, I wasn't the only one in on that group threat, and I did delete that video!" He paused, "After I sent it to PJ. Girls on girls is demographic." He gave Will a suggestive push and smile.
I rolled my eyes and scoffed while Emma questioned Riley.
"No. Sorry, Zoe saw it on my phone."
Emma sighed, "Do you guys even understand the term viral?"
Riles sarcastically looked around, "I don't see Nina anywhere."
She was right, my older sister wasn't anywhere to be found and she hasn't answered any of my texts or calls.
Brooke made a noise, "Of course it was Nina. She's a spoiled sociopath with no impulse control. I mean she's probably ditching right now to avoid your good girl wrath." Brooke turned to me, "No offense."
"None taken. She's a bitch." I turned to Emma, "Don't worry, your little friend is going to be fine."
Em shook her head, "We're not really friends anymore."
Will got Em's attention, "Give it 24 hours. Someone will text and drive their Hybrid into a tree and the whole thing will blow over."
Brooke picked at her nails, "Maybe Audrey will Taylor Swift her anger into one of her little films."
Will smiled, "Em, she'll be fine."
• • •
I sat in between Emma and Jake while Seth, or Mr. Branson, spoke about something I was too lazy to pay attention to.
"London. Can you please tell me which genre originated with The Castle of Otranto?"
I looked up from my desk and replied with a flirty smirk, "The Castle genre?"
'Mr. Branson' got a gleam in his eyes before he coughed, "No. Brooke?"
She turned behind to me and smiled, "What she said?"
Seth coughed again and the new student who we were just talking about a few minutes ago responded, "The Gothic genre."
Seth nodded, "Thank you. Look guys I get it, no one wants to sit here and read 500 dusty pages about monks and curses. But no one is forcing you to watch The Walking Dead."
Jake raised his hand and genuinely and enthusiastically asked, "Is The Walking Dead on the midterm?"
I stretched and gave him a hard kick and rolled my eyes at his stupidity.
"Zombies aren't literature Jake." Em chided.
The new kid, Kieran, spoke up, "Why not?" He listed a few names before continuing, "It's all the same bones."