Mae arrived at 6:30 in the morning, as planned, before the sun was up, determined to be there before Orm could be taken away for the medical exam. She opened the door, walking in quietly. She looked at the scene in front of her. Ling squeezed at the very edge of the bed, while Orm was splayed, wrapped all over her, one leg escaped her bedsheets and was resting on top of Ling's legs, one arm across Ling's abdomen, her head resting on the small of Ling's neck. Mae had a flashback of a very young Orm, sleeping peacefully in her bed, wrapped that exact same way around her favourite child size plushy. She smiled tenderly. There was something about them that reminded her of her and her husband. 'Like daughter, like mother', she thought. Ling and her husband had similar personalities, no wonder she liked her instantly when she met her.
She picked the chair up and moved it away from the bed, placing it quietly in the corner of the room near the window, as the first rays of sun were starting to brighten the space. Not long after, the nurse opened the door. She saw Mae in the room, and walked towards her, "We are going to take Orm for the test in 15 minutes, could you please wake them up?", the nurse asked kindly. Mae nodded, thanking her for letting her know.
Mae returned close to the bed and started rubbing at Ling's shoulder gently. Ling opened her eyes softly, her gaze checking the room. Eventually, she realised Mae was standing next to her. "Honey, good morning. We need to wake her up, she's going for the test in 15 minutes", Mae explained. Ling nodded, then as she realised she was entirely wrapped underneath Orm's body, she started stuttering "I'm s-sorry Mae, I'm moving away, i-immediately" her cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment. Mae rolled her eyes, as if she could be shocked to see something like that. She figured Ling needed to get used to her jokes quickly, if she was really going to be part of her family, "What are you getting shy about, N'Lingling? Have you forgotten I've seen you doing a lot more to my daughter on set?", snorting at her own joke, satisfied. Ling's eyes widened and her face changed colour from pink, to red, to white. Orm heard the chattering and made an annoyed sigh, as if being disturbed. Before Ling could find anything dignifying to say, Mae moved to the other side of the bed, going to shake her daughter off her sleep properly.
Orm felt a hand shaking her up, and grunted loudly, "Baobao, stop that!" she asked, eyes still closed. Ling, gritted teeth, as if the situation wasn't embarrassing enough, explained "It's not me". Mae rolled her eyes again, but was throughly entertained. She leaned near Orm's ear and whispered "Baobao..... It's Mae. Wake up now!!". Ling chuckled, and Orm shot her eyes open "MAE?!" she exclaimed, realising what just happened. Mae continued "Your test is in 10 minutes, you need to be awake for it honey. How are you feeling?". Orm stirred and yawned, "I was feeling better asleep, can't lie. Still feel my stomach a bit weird, but otherwise, not bad" she replied with a husky tone.
Orm was brought back from her test by two nurses, an hour later, in a wheelchair. She was asleep. Mae and Ling looked at them inquisitively, before Mae asked "Did she fall asleep during the exam?!", incredulous. One of the nurses shook her head, "No Ma'm, we had to give her anaesthesia. We tried to start the endoscopy without it, but she couldn't manage, poor thing. The sedation was necessary, unfortunately. She will wake up shortly, but she might be a little.. Confused, let's say. She might feel the pain from the exam too, just calm her down when that happens. She can also have some food whenever she wakes up" she instructed. Mae and Ling looked at each other, and nodded to the nurses.
Mae was on her phone, giving an update to her husband on Orm's condition, when Orm opened her eyes. She heard her daughter calling her, "Mae? MAEEEE?". She quickly closed the phone and approached the bed, "Honey I'm here, you're ok, don't worry", she said softly, caressing her shoulder. Orm looked confused, as expected. "Maeeee my throat hurts a little" she whined, her speech slurred, another side effect of the anesthetic. Mae held her hand, "I know, I know. I'm sorry. It'll pass in a bit, it was necessary".
Orm shifted her confused gaze to her surroundings, "Where is my LinglingKwooong?" she slurred with her baby voice. Mae rolled her eyes, her lovey-dovey daughter was obsessed, "She just went to the toilet, she'll be h--", before she could finish her sentence, Orm interrupted "Here she issssss", her eyes softening immediately, while her speech made Ling raise her eyebrow towards Mae. Mae turned to her and with a low voice she explained "She's a bit.. Out of it, I think. She's slurring like a drunk, and her eyes are a bit.. Confused, as anticipated", Ling nodded in understanding, before taking Orm's hand in hers.

Playing with Fire | LINGORM
RomanceOrm didn't believe she could ever lose Lingling, until well, she realised she was about to lose Lingling. A story with some angst, some humor and lots of love. I'll try to throw in here as much as I can! The usual disclaimer for everyone who enjoys...