I awake to a bright morning. As I stretch, I hear a light knock on my door. I think it's Mum, so I beckon her in. But when the door opens, I immediately get hard. Ellie enters, and I wonder what she's up to.
"Good morning, Nigel," she coos as she crosses the room to me.
I scoff as I sit up, not liking the use of my real name. I've used John - my middle name - since I was 18. Even Mum and Dad have been okay with it; Mum only uses Nigel when I've been naughty. But for some reason, Ellie calling me Nigel doesn't bother me that much. Maybe it's because I don't care what she calls me as long as she does.
I drink in what she's wearing, and she looks gorgeous. A lovely dress that both hides and accentuates her curves. How is that possible? Her hair is perfectly done, and so is her makeup. She looks like we should be going out, not spending Christmas at my parents' house.
Every part of me wants to take her and enjoy her. She's breathtaking. She sits on the edge of my bed and leans in, gently kissing my lips. I take more, grabbing the back of her head to hold her in my hungry kiss. And she gives in, returning the kiss with fervor.
"At it again, ay. Don't let your mother see you," Dad says as he passes by the open door.
"See what?" Mum says, causing Ellie to break the kiss quickly.
I let her go, hoping we can take a walk later to continue the snogging. Mum bustles into the room, making Ellie quail away from me. She gets to her feet and stands by the bed, looking embarrassed yet proper. Damn it, I knew Mum's scolding last night would affect Ellie.
"Get up and get dressed, John. You can't open your presents in your underwear," Mum jokes as she opens my curtains. "Breakfast shortly."
Ellie giggles, which is one of my favorite sounds, so it makes me smile. Mum gives me a warning look, then leaves the room. I look at Ellie, and she is trying to contain a smirk.
"I'll go help with breakfast," she says, motioning toward the door.
I can tell she's trying to avoid another scolding, so she's keeping her distance. I don't want her to go just yet, so I get out of bed and go to her. I pull her into a hug, and she snuggles in. I am filled with both love and desire, but only one of those can be on display here. I can't wait to get to London so I can finally have my girl.
"You should get dressed," Ellie whispers as she pulls from the embrace. "I mean, tighty whiteys really aren't appropriate for Christmas," she smirks, making me laugh.
"I can take them off," I tease, enjoying the blush that blooms in her cheeks.
"Another time," she says with a wink.
Even though she said she'd help Mum with breakfast, Ellie doesn't leave the room. She stands there, watching me get clothes from my suitcase. I pull on sweatpants and a jumper but get immediate pushback from Noelle.
"You're going to dress like that?" Ellie bawks.
"Yeah. Why?"
Ellie says nothing, just motions to herself. I blush lightly as I realize she wants me to dress nicely as she has. Does she have something planned?
"Fine, but I don't see why I can't be comfortable as we open presents," I complain.
"It's our first Christmas, John. I want to do it right," she tells me, so I solemnly nod.
I sigh and mock annoyance as I pull nicer clothes from my suitcase. I will do anything to make Noelle happy, so if dressing nice will do it, I will comply.
"I'll change and be right out. Go on with you. See what Mum needs help with," I say, so Ellie approaches me again.
"I love you," she whispers, gives me a quick kiss, and exits the room with a little wave.
God, do I love that woman.
I soon step into the kitchen, and Noelle rushes to me, kissing me quickly. Her eyes give me her approval, even if they sparkle with mischief. I reckon she likes what she sees. If trousers and a button-down shirt do it for her, I will gladly live in them.
"You look nice, love," Mum chirps from the stove, and I thank her.
The table is set nicely, and Dad is already seated, awaiting his meal. I join him, watching Ellie as she moves about the kitchen. My mouth waters in anticipation when the two ladies bring over the plates full of a proper English breakfast. I hope Ellie has picked up some tips from Mum on traditional British meals. I'd love to have her make some of my favorites.
Breakfast is quickly over, and I help Ellie clear the table. Mum and Dad move to the lounge while we wash the dishes. I like the coziness this job brings as Ellie and I stand side by side at the small sink, her washing and me drying. When we finish, I give her a tender kiss before taking her hand and pulling her into the room.
Mum has made piles of presents for each of us, and Ellie's face drops when she sees hers. As we sit together on the loveseat, Ellie quietly whispers to me.
"I feel awful. I didn't bring any presents."
"I don't need anything other than you," I tell her as I nuzzle her neck.
Mum loudly clears her throat, making both of us flinch. Damn it, I wish Mum would get over her prudishness, but I reckon that isn't possible.
"Noelle, you can go first since you are the guest," Mum instructs.
Ellie nervously looks at me, so I nod that she should proceed. But as Ellie reaches for the first gift, Mum stops her.
"Can I take your picture? The two of you look so happy together," Mum asks as she shuffles from the room.
Ellie looks at me, but I'm just as confused, so I shrug. Mum returns with the little Instamatic camera I bought her a few years ago, moving before us to get the shot. Ellie takes my hand, smiling at me before looking at Mum. We hear the camera click and whir as the image is captured.
"That's lovely," Mum says and moves to her chair.
"You should let me take one of you and Dad," I offer, but Mum scoffs at me.
"We're not dressed for that," she deflects, so I shrug my shoulders. "Go on now, Noelle. Open your presents."
Ellie looks at me as she reaches for the flat, square box on top. I lightly shake my head no to let her know that it isn't from me. Ellie doesn't tear into the paper as I would. No, she gently releases the tape and unfolds the paper to reveal the box. She's so proper sometimes, and it makes me love her more.
Ellie lifts the box lid to reveal a beautiful rhinestone hair comb. Mum must have gotten it for her. Ellie coos over the gift, thanking Mum as she puts it in her hair. Mum looks well-chuffed over her reaction, and I'm fairly certain Ellie has won her heart—just like she has mine.
Next, she picks up the first of my gifts. Again, she carefully unwraps it and pulls out the perfume. It is Red Door, a new scent by Elizabeth Arden. She opens the box and pulls out the bottle, spraying some on her wrists. She rubs her wrists together and then dabs them at her neck. I immediately nuzzle in, liking the smell of the perfume but liking her giggle better.
"Can I smell it?" Mum asks, disturbing us yet again.
Of course, Ellie obliges, reaching her wrist to Mum. Mum gently sniffs and nods in approval.
"That smells lovely. From you, John?"
Mum knows damn well it's from me, but she's trying to make the two of us behave. As soon as the gifts are done, I'm getting Ellie and me out of here for a bit.