Chapter 17

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Freen's POV

It's been two hours since we started talking. I was focused in the conversation but my full attention was on Becky. She didn't utter a single word. What's the matter???Her silence is killing me!!! did she really remember everything...... ohhh God!!! Her expression not giving any good signal....fuck, fuck!!! It's really over..... she might be thinking me a pervert!!!!

"Hey Bec,What happened???are you okay?? You are not attending in the conversation!! Is everything fine??" Irin asked

"Uhh...yes Irin, every thing is fine. It's just I have to go now guys....I have some plans in the evening" Becky said

"Plan... but didn't you say you are free for the next two weeks and will go to meet your parents. So are you going to your house" asked Irin

" I'm not going to my house. I have plans with Mike. He has been calling, so I decided to go tonight" Becky said and was about to go

But hearing the name I remember something which made me feel to stop her from going


"Hey p'mario, I am done here. Are you done too" I asked

"Ohh...yes nong I'm done. It's the last order for now" p'mario said

"Godd... today a lot of couples come here right. Is today special for couples or anything nong??" p'mario asked

"No,I don't think so. Today is not valentine's day or anything, maybe it's a coincidence" I said

"Haha... you are right" p'mario said


Someone came. Ohh I know that person. He is Mike Angelo. But why he is coming with another woman even holding hands together. Godd... what's happening??? did Bec know this??

"Hey nong are you okay? You seem like just look any ghost here...hahaha" p'mario said

"Umm...phi do you know them. Those two who just came holding hands together " I asked

"Ohh... you mean Mr. Mike and Ms. Amy. Yeah I know them. I think they are couple, you know. They came often together and also used to be our regular customer. But for past three months, they don't come. So you don't know them but see, today came again" p'mario said could it be?????

"Umm...they might not be a couple  p'mario. You know,close friends" I said to see if he deny that they are not a couple

It can't be. He is with Becky. How can he do this??? No no no... think positive freen

"Hahaha...I told you na , they used to be our regular customer. Although Mr. Mike brought many women, but she came most among them. They spent many nights together in the hotel and even celebrate relationship anniversary together. So I'm sure they are couple or atleast she is her favorite woman" p'mario said while smirking at me

Ohh God, spending nights, celebrating relationship anniversary, many women...... what are you saying p'mario.

"Nong, now let's go and take their orders or otherwise boss will fired us" p'mario said walking towards their table and I followed him from back

End of flashback

"Wait Becky, I have some talk with you" I said making her stop

She turned around


"What's now??? what you have to talk with me??" Becky asked in a irritating voice

"Umm... it's something important and personal, so can we go to somewhere else to talk in private??" I asked

"No,I don't want to talk with you in private. If you have anything,then say in front of all or otherwise I'm going" Becky said firmly

"I don't want you to go with Mike" I said

"What did you say??"she asked

"I don't want you to go with Mike because he is a player. He has many women with whom he spent night. He is cheating behind you Becky. I saw these with my own eyes and I think he is harmful for you" I said

She started walking towards me and the next thing she did made me shocked


She slapped me hard...yes, she just slapped me in the canteen, in front of everyone. I looked at her.....

"How dare you huh??? how fuking date you to say something like this??? Do you know who is he.... you are not even worthy of his nail and you are talking about him!!! hahaha.... I'm surprised to see your audacity!! You are even giving me advice of what to do or not?? Don't cross the line freen and you are saying he is a player, cheater but what are you?? You are also like him, a player or should I say a slut who is just interested in sex!!! You know I feel disgusting even to talk with you" Becky said

And I feel tears streaming down from my eyes. I don't want!! I don't want to cry in front of her, not to make me weak in front of her but you know, the words from her mouth hurt like hell and made me uncontrolled about my emotions. But she didn't stop and continued.....

"I know freen, yesterday night...I saw everything. You can make others blind by your acting but I saw the real you... I'm not going be fooled. I know what exactly is you and your nature!!! You know when people from poverty and village come to city and got better condition in there, they lost the control. It's the actual nature of poors and I also heard that you are from a broken family, so did you learn this shitty nature from your mother" she said but it was too much. I can't take it anymore

"Ms. Rebecca Patricia Armstrong shut your fuking mouth" I screamed while glaring at her with anger

She looked shocked and immediately stopped talking

"Mind your language. You have no right to talk about my mother and my family like that. Maybe I'm poor and come from village but your father didn't pay the expenses of my live. My mother brought up me, so don't fuking say any bad thing about my mother. You have gone too much and about myself.... how much you know me huh, you fuking brat!!! I'm not like the bearish and rude children of riches who never learn anything except arrogant nature. My mother learnt me culture but seems like your mother didn't learn you anything, specially respecting others even though you are from a healthy family. And about your nature, where did you learn this huh... you aren't even from village or poor family, so is it from your mother, family or should I say it's the culture of riches" I said

"Freen" she said but who even afraid

"Ms. Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, I'm not your maid and your father didn't bought me. So don't dare to say my name like this, remember I'm 3 years older than you, respect me. I want to tell a last thing, please know the full story or atleast the truth before accusing or telling something to anyone. Goodbye" I said and left from there

I wiped my tears while walking. My friends were calling me to stop but I didn't. I can't, after this I can't stop there.

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