Why Can't I?
Why wasn't love enough?
Why did we have to go through this stuff?
Why didn't I give you the time of day?
Maybe you would notice me more today
Why did I have to be so stupid?
And dodge the arrows shot at me by Cupid.
Why didn't I pay more attention?
Why didn't I put the key to my heart in ignition?
Why did this have to be a triangle?
With this love connection, this stuff is hard to handle
Why do we argue
Why do we fight?
Why are you the only thing I think about at night?
Why did I have to fall?
Why'd I have to fall in love?
Because now I'm falling so far I can't get up.
Why do I feel like I have doubts?
That when I think about them make my nose runny?
But how can you be the same one that gives me millions of butterflies in my tummy
Why can't I just come out and admit
That I think for now you're the one and sometimes I can't stand it.
Why do I feel like you're my superman?
Because you're the first one to ask whats wrong when I'm mad or sad.
It seems like you're always the one saving me
I've been holding my heart captive but I might give you the key
But I don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. I need the right one to unlock me.
Why can't I just find the way to tell you?
I put it in a song, but I'm pretty sure how I feel is something you already knew.
Why can't I look into your eyes
And reveal every emotion you give me inside?
Why do I look away when you stare at me?
I think this love feeling's mutual but maybe I'm wrong, could I be?
Why do I feel like I can't get enough of your hugs?
Why do I even think this is l-o-v-e, love
Why do I even like you this much?
At first I thought you were playing with my heart, when its sensitive to the touch
I know how you feel, you've told me a million times
I don't know how I feel and don't ask why
Because I'm standing here asking myself "why can't I?"

Poetic Justice
PoetryA Book Of Deep And Relatable Poems. Will Make You Laugh, Cry, And Think. Very Inspiring. What if...??? ©2013 by: Nitaya S. Williams