On Mako Island, the night was deep and mysterious, with the moon rising higher in the sky, growing larger and reddish. The lunar eclipse was near, and with it came an atmosphere of unease that weighed heavily on everyone. Both humans and mermaids could sense that something was changing, but they didn't know exactly what. Something immense was about to reveal the island's hidden secrets.
At Rita Santos' house, the mermaid parents' gathering was in a moment of deep silence. Their eyes were filled with worry, and every glance was charged with tension. Previous discussions had been intense and full of fears, but now they seemed on the verge of exploding. They all knew that something serious was approaching, but no one wanted to face their fears and uncertainties in front of each other.
"We have to tell them," Mimmi said with a trembling but determined voice.
"We can't stay silent any longer. The children need to know what's happening on Mako. The magic in the Moon Pool can't be controlled, and the eclipse will activate it."
"I know what you're saying, but... we're not sure what's happening there," Cleo intervened, looking at Mimmi with a mix of fear and concern. "Since we left Mako, things have changed. And the children... they haven't been prepared for this."
"We weren't prepared either, but we have no choice now," Zac replied, his forehead creased with worry. "If we don't tell them the truth now, then when? The eclipse isn't far away. And that power in the pool... it's not something we can ignore."
Evie, who had been sitting off to the side, nodded, visibly worried. "Exactly. We don't know what power will awaken, but we need to be ready for anything. If the Moon Pool becomes active, the children will have a role that we don't yet understand. We must face this challenge together."
Rikki crossed her arms and looked down, deep in thought. "I'm not sure they'll understand the gravity of the situation. We grew up in this world, witnessed Mako's power, but they haven't had those same experiences. What if they're too young to face what's coming?"
"If we hide the truth from them, we risk much more," Cleo said, clenching her fists.
"Sooner or later, they'll find out. We need to be open with them about what's to come, even if we don't know everything."
Lewis, who had remained silent until then, spoke up with a calm but firm voice.
"We have no guarantee that we can fully protect them. This magic is unpredictable, and the eclipse will only intensify it. But we must give them trust. If they start to understand their connection to the ocean, maybe they can better control what's coming."
"But at what cost?" Rikki asked, sighing heavily. "How do we know we won't put everything at risk, even them?"
Zac looked at each of the parents with eyes full of worry, then stood up. "We don't know what's coming, but we have to remember that we're all in this together. We must trust them and guide them as we were guided."
After a long silence, Rita shrugged and sighed deeply. "So there's no turning back. We'll walk their path. Let's tell them what we know, but let's be ready for anything. Mako will become the center of a struggle for power again, and not everyone will survive."
After a long and exhausting discussion, the parents concluded that they had to tell their children the truth. So, with a sense of panic mixed with courage, they gathered by the ocean shore, near where their shelters were.
The wind blew from the sea, and the reddish sky was nearing its peak. The air felt charged with an electric energy, a premonition of the events that were about to unfold.
"Do you feel it too?" Lyra asked, her voice trembling slightly. "It's like the ocean is calling us."
"Something's wrong," said Kai, looking uneasily toward the sea. "Mako is about to change again."
"That's right," Sienna chimed in, her eyes wide with fear. "We weren't prepared for what's coming. I've always feared the Moon Pool, but now... now I feel like it's going to be something even bigger. Something we can't face."
"But what if the ocean is calling us?" Lyra asked, looking again at the horizon. "I've felt it since we arrived. We must gather our courage and go. Maybe this is our moment."
"I agree," Leo replied, his eyes fiery with the desire to face the unknown. "If the ocean is calling us, then we must answer. We can't just stay here and wait."
Amber swallowed her fear and, with a determined step, began walking toward the Moon Pool. "We don't know what awaits us there, but we have to do it. We need to find out what's happening."
When they arrived in front of the Moon Pool, a deep sense of horror gripped each of their bodies. The cave seemed to emanate a cold, almost white light, making the stones and stalactites appear alive. The atmosphere was dense and oppressive, and the air vibrated with energy.
"I didn't imagine it would look like this," said Kai, looking worriedly at the cave that seemed to breathe. "It feels like everything here is... alive."
"It's like a forbidden place," whispered Lyra. "A place we shouldn't be. But we've come too far to turn back."
Once inside the pool, they immediately felt the air becoming heavier. The stones on the floor seemed to vibrate, and a cold, sharp shiver ran through their skin. Every step echoed through the cave, the sound seeming to be absorbed by the deep darkness surrounding them.
Suddenly, a beam of bright light struck the stone Leo was holding, and a wave of mysterious energy surged from the stone. The cave trembled, and the walls seemed to move. The children froze in horror, but couldn't stop walking. The growing light enveloped them more and more, and all their senses were overwhelmed by a deep sense of unease.
"What is this?" shouted Sienna, but her voice seemed lost in the vastness of the pool.
At that moment, a frightening silhouette appeared from the darkness. It was a tall, impossible-to-detect shadow with eyes that shimmered like cold, impenetrable stars. The children froze, feeling that the entire cave was a place they would not easily escape from.
"You've come," the voice said, deep and heavy, penetrating their minds. "You've come for what is yours. You've come for the power of the Moon Pool."
An awful chill gripped them all. Something enormous and dangerous was awakening, and the children knew there was no turning back.
"Who are you?" Leo asked, but his voice trembled.
"I am the other side of what you are," the voice replied. "I am the ancient magic of Mako, and now your time has come."
At that moment, the entire Moon Pool seemed to resonate with a deep vibration. The air grew colder and denser with every word of the mysterious entity, which seemed to be one with the entire cave. The children stood frozen, paralyzed by fear and awe, but at the same time, they felt a powerful curiosity, an irresistible desire to understand more.
"You've come for the power that binds you to this place," the voice continued, echoing in their hearts. "The power that made you what you are. You were chosen to inherit the legacy of those who came before you. Understand that the ocean is not just an environment... it is an intersection point of many worlds."
"Our power...?" Lyra asked, her voice trembling but still determined to learn more. "What do you mean? What is our connection to all of this?"The silhouette in front of them seemed to smile, but it was a cold, frozen smile. "You and those like you are embraced by the ocean in a way you don't yet realize. You are not just children. You are fragments of an ancient legend. As the eclipse reaches its peak, you will awaken more to your true power."
"Why is this happening to us?" Kai asked, his voice filled with smoldering anger but also fear of facing what the future might bring. "We didn't ask for this. We don't want to be part of a legend. We just want to understand what's happening!"
"No one asks for magic," the voice responded, with a sinister depth. "It is what makes you what you are. The ocean will show you, and you will face this legacy, whether you want to or not. Maybe you don't understand now, but you will soon."
The stones on the floor began to vibrate more strongly, and a blinding light emanated from the glowing stone Leo was holding. The energy filling the cave became unbearable, and the children felt everything around them begin to stretch and move in an impossible way. As the light grew, the entity before them seemed to merge with the air around them, becoming almost invisible.
"We need to leave! This place... it will destroy us!" Amber screamed, but her voice was drowned out by the intense vibrations.
"We can't leave," Leo responded with a determination he didn't fully understand. "Something in us has to face this magic. The ocean wants us to face what is here."
"Something old and dangerous is awakening in the depths of Mako," Lyra said, her voice trembling. "And it tells us there's no way out."
With every step deeper into the cave, the children felt as though they were being drawn into a trap, connected to a power far greater than they were, one that could either destroy everything or offer them a control they never asked for. Suddenly, the light coming from the stone reached its peak, and everything stopped abruptly.
The pool seemed to close, like a giant mouth ready to swallow them. The air cut off, and the children began to feel trapped in a spell, yet they had a feeling of revelation, of clarity. Suddenly, everything became clear.
"It's time!" the deep voice shouted, resounding in every corner of the pool. "It's time for you to understand that your power is not just about the magic of Mako. It's about your connection to all the seas, to all those who have passed through this trial. You are a bridge between worlds, and you must guard it."
"A bridge between worlds...?" Sienna asked, still uneasy. "How can we do that?"
"You must be strong," the voice answered, now clearer than ever. "The power you hold is a weapon, but also a blessing. If you use it wrong, it will bring destruction. If you use it right, you will change the course of all those around you."With these words, the vibrations in the cave gradually subsided. The brilliant light suddenly went out, and the children were left in darkness, but with a sense of deep revelation, as though something immense and incomprehensible had been revealed to them. But they still didn't fully understand the scale of what was happening. Something inside them knew their lives would never be the same.
When the children returned to Rita's house, everything seemed unchanged, but not them. Their gazes were intense, filled with unease and thoughts that couldn't be expressed. They were no longer the same. What they had experienced in the cave had left deep marks on them.
"What happened?" Mimmi asked, her eyes filled with concern. "Tell us everything!"
Lyra, with wide eyes full of fear, lifted her gaze. "We saw it... that entity. We met it. It told us we are chosen."
"Chosen for what?" Zac asked, now even more uneasy. "What does that mean? What happened in the Moon Pool?"
"We don't know exactly," Leo replied, his voice trembling. "But... we felt it. That power... it's too great for us. We can't control what we felt there."
"An ancient darkness has awakened," Finn added, swallowing hard. "It's something old, far more powerful than we imagined."
"We need to be ready," Evie said, her gaze determined. "Something big is coming, and we don't know how long until it's too late."
A thunderclap echoed in the distance, and the sky suddenly lit up with blue lightning. Everything seemed to be about to change in ways they couldn't fully understand. A change was approaching that even the magic of Mako couldn't predict.