Plz stahp teh abyous

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"Y must I b suh hanzom?" Nick asked Kev.

"Idk, mayB itz in ur jeans!" Kev answered sying, wishin he waz as hansom.

"Ur rong. I em suh much mohr hotR then me papa." Nic sed lookin @ kev weh disapointmint

"Ur rite, nicky, mayB u evolvD into teh gawd th@ u r XD." Kev say

"Thnx, but eye em not a gawd...I em TEH GAWD."

"Ur rite, Nic Chroist"

"We shood guh 2 din din @ mi fav resturawnt"

"I agrE." Kev sai.

Nic and kev pulD on there best crocs and corduroy jeggings and heded owt.

"Were r we goin?" Kev askD

"Teh crakR barL" Nic sai.

Kev lookD reel quee z bc he h8s crakR barL.

"I h8 th@ playz nic" kev sai bashFulE.

"Then u r syoopid and we cant b frendz anymohr." Nic say eith a SCOWL

"Frik, ok. Nvm. I luv teh crakR barL." Nic sai lookin out the windo of the Geo Metro.

"Wen wil dis abyous stahp?" He thot to hemself.

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