Chapter 1

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Los Angeles. The City of Angels. The perfect microcosm to start life anew, and after spending a week here, I saw that's exactly what it was. With all my family living on the other side of the country, I was completely on my own with only an apartment and a couple thousand dollars to get me by while I searched for a job. If only it were that simple.

I looked around at the darkened buildings while I walked myself back to my apartment on the outskirts of town. Even sleepless cities have their moments of silence. It was peaceful in its own way.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. It must be three in the morning, I thought. My watch whined in response. 2:00.

I'm still a mile away from the apartment...

"I wish I had bought a car instead of that plane ticket to L.A," I grumbled to myself, sounding an almost inaudible chuckle from behind.

I spun around at almost lightning speed with my hands balled into fists. Even though my level of fighting experience was as good as your basic kindergarten karate class, that didn't stop me. But, to my luck, no one was there. I gave the empty road a puzzled look before I shook my head and turned back around.

"I must be hearing things," I reassured myself. I continued walking back to my apartment, humming "Carry On My Wayward Son" to myself.

I was just a few blocks away from my apartment complex when I hear the faint scrape of boots on the pavement. I stopped and listened closely. Nothing. I turn around to face my stalker, but once again, the street was completely empty. There's no way I made up that noise...

"I know you're there!" I shouted, fearfully. No answer. A lump formed in my throat, but I continued walking home. The footsteps start again only this time, they were louder....closer. I walked faster. So did he. I started to panic. Calm down, I thought, It's probably just my imagina-- my thought was cut off by a deep, animalistic growl sounding from right behind my ear. I took off in a sprint. I didn't know where I was running to, but I had no intentions of becoming some wild dog's meal. The footsteps got closer and the growl got louder. I tried to outrun whatever was chasing me, but the faster I ran, the closer it got. I ran past several buildings and alleyways, trying to lose it, but it seemed useless. I should've known better than to try and outrun a dog. My legs started to burn, and I stop running, gasping for air. I can't make it back to my apartment. It's too far. I look around frantically, trying to find a place to hide. The growl got even louder. I knew if I didn't get away soon, I'd be dead.

I looked to my left and my right. There was only an alley behind a business complex off the edge of the block. Everything else was open road. I whimpered. This is exactly what you shouldn't do in a horror movie, I thought to myself, but as I felt something snag the hem of my shirt, I sprinted off around the corner and dove into the alley behind the complex. I stopped behind a dumpster, panting. The footsteps stopped at my sudden move, but slowly creep into the alleyway. I put my hand over my mouth and hold my breath, eyes wide. My heart was pounding so loud, I was afraid it would hear me. I felt around on the ground for something to defend myself with, not daring to take my eye off the alleyway. I found a ground stake broken in two. I crouched down, picked it up and held it to my face, pointy side up. It stopped right in front of the dumpster. I could hear it sniffing the air. It let out a low growl before the footsteps started to retreat down to the road.

Thinking it's a trick, I stayed put for a few minutes. I didn't dare move a muscle. After what seemed like hours, I took in a sharp breath and peered my head from around the dumpster, expecting the creature to pop out of nowhere. When I saw the alley was empty, I let out a long sigh of relief. I put the stick in my back pocket just in case he came back.

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