chapter 7

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                               Dannie p.o.v
             As I sat there listening to his weak heart I kept wondering who could do this to a guy who always wants to help or have fun. I look over to see his very weak and pale body. It hurt to see him like this he didn't deserve this no one did but especially not him. All I wanted was for him to wake up and tell us jokes and jam out his music like he used to but no he has been like this for weeks now. I know they told us it was a slow process but I hated it and I wanted to hurt the people who did this to him. Eddie walked over to me and gave me food and something to drink. I don't hear or see Eddie smile or talk anymore I worry for him.
     " Eddie how are you holding up I know this has to be hard for you?" I asked him. " What do you mean Dannie?" He asked me sitting next to the bed holding Sam's hand. " I mean out of all of us you have the closet bond with him I know you're worried but why haven't you said anything?" I asked him. " When I lifted his shirt up I could feel how cold his body really was and also the fact that he was shaking at every touch" he told me. " Have you seen something like that before?" I asked him. Eddie nodded his head but kept his eyes on Sam. " When we first began becoming friends I would see cuts and bruises on him but he would always say he was clumsy and got hurt on his own but when I would be caught him by himself or with his mom or dad.....they would beat him and tell him to start acting right it would get worse and when he went to ask for help for the spirits and ghost they would beat him until he was unconscious wake him up and do it all over again; this one time I couldn't take it anymore and as they beat him into unconscious again I ran over and covered his body so he wouldn't get hit again" Eddie explained. " But you would get hurt too and you bruise easily" I told him as I listened to his story.
      " I don't care I would over and over if that meant he would be able to breathe or smile, when they realized that they hit another kid they dropped their stuff and ran off I would look down to see a fear in his face scared to get hit again when he realized it was just me he calmed down hugged me crying for hours saying sorry"Eddie said. " I would do the same for any of you and you all know that too".
                          Don p.o.v
         As I kept my eyes close so they think I'm still asleep but it took everything in me to not cry I didn't like seeing my friends hurt and to now know Sam was beat by his parents for years and Eddie was there every time stopping it or trying made me feel a little happy that those ass holes were dead now. I slowly woke up or made it look like I was I looked at Sam and Eddie and asked" hey guys how is he holding up or y'all?". Eddie looked at me and now that I was fully awake I could tell Dannie and Eddie haven't been sleeping. I get up and say" I can tell y'all are tired how about I take over watching Sam while y'all rest I promise I'll wake y'all up if even the smallest thing happens and you know I'm good on my word. They both looked at each other and Sam then nodded as Eddie walked over and took the recliner I was in while Dannie took the couch.
        Once they were fully asleep I looked over Sam and used some of my power that I hid from them and started trying to heal Sam a little more it does take a lot out of me to do this the amount of wounds that Sam has it takes me a bit but I would do anything for him to be okay. As I finish up on my healing part I look over to see Eddie and Dannie to see them still asleep which my power is still a secret. I don't like people knowing I can heal them other then Ray and Sam because I know they will never use me but I know his in pain and I don't like seeing my blood brother in pain we are still looking for the scrums who did this and we will get our revenge because Sam may not like hearing this but to all of us he's like our little brother we never had we never want to see him in any pain.

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