hot pot place

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friday, 4:30pm

after finishing your homework and some cleanup around your apartment, you lie down and check your phone. sighing, you lounge in your bed, bored out of your mind.

you check instagram. close friends story of your classmate celebrating passing calc ii. post from your aunt's trip to cabo. liking your old coworker's note of the new keshi song. your neighbor's story of the sunset. 30+ new messages from the [your major] group chat you don't check anymore. the local tattoo shop advertising 10% off all flash designs.

maybe you should post something, you haven't been active in a while.

fiddling with the placement of things, you post a cute collage-style story of the sushi rolls you had yesterday.

not even five minutes later, your phone buzzes.

> Notification: Instagram

> larrrycroft is requesting to send you a message

oops. you admit, after a busy week you'd almost forgotten about your new friend. unlocking your phone, you hit accept.

> larrrycroft replied to your story

> larrrycroft: omg this looks so good

you like his message and type up a quick response.

> yourhandle: IT WAS

> yourhandle: im a sushi fein

> larrrycroft liked your message

you remember what he asked you at the grocery store. he messaged first, he probably doesn't wanna seem like too much and ask too, just do it y/n

> yourhandle: yo are you free this weekend btw? we should totally hangout

> yourhandle: no pressure tho ✌🏻

> larrrycroft liked your message

> larrrycroft: i was about to ask u

> larrrycroft: if u wanted to join us for dinner this sat

> larrrycroft: we eating hotpot🔥

> larrrycroft: my friends say you seem rlly nice and would love to have u there :)

oh, that's good news.

> yourhandle: ooh i'm down, any special occasion?

> larrrycroft: nah, just wanted to try the place, just opened and it's already super popular

> yourhandle: sounds tasty

> larrrycroft: grunk was asking literally all last week if you wanted to come hangout w us

> larrrycroft: but i didn't wanna bother you since it was midterms

> yourhandle: it was i was hanging on by a thread

> yourhandle: that's so nice of him tho he seems so sweet

> larrrycroft liked your message

> larrrycroft: he is the only tolerable one in the group lmao

> larrrycroft: my friends are super loud i hope you didn't find them annoying

> yourhandle: bro i noticed 😭

> larrrycroft reacted 😹 to your message

> yourhandle: nah it's chill, they seem like fun ppl to be around :P

> larrrycroft: you seem pretty social so i think you'll find them fun fs

> larrrycroft: but on my baby boy they annoying

> yourhandle: ON MY BABY BOY 🔥

> larrrycroft reacted 🔥 to your message

> larrrycroft:

> larrrycroft: this is the place

> larrrycroft: d'you wanna meet us there or nick can pick u up if u need?

you think a little. nick seems nice, you're sure he wouldn't mind, but it might be a little awkward. anyway, you didn't mind the ten minute drive.

> yourhandle: it's super close actually

> yourhandle: i can meet u there

> larrrycroft liked your message

guess you have plans for saturday now. you flip your phone over now, plugging it in. 

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