Korean Drama Moment #5

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[The Moon That Embraces The Sun]

King: Today I have a question to ask you. I'm the king of Joseon. If you convert my value to money, how much would I worth? Let's have the daughter of Choi Sang Jin offer her answer first.

Daughter of Choi Sang Jin: A hundred thousand nyang. No. Ten million nyang . . . Please give me my punishment. I don't understand money that well. I don't know how much would be considered as a lot of money.

King: So, Yun Dae Hyeong's daughter, you shall answer.

Bo Kyung: Your Majesty's virtue is higher than Mount Tai and wider than the sea. How can we use money to measure? We might as well convert to gold and pearls. Please allow me to speak boldly. Let's wait until the tools for measuring the weight of the sky and the depth of the sea appear. When that time comes, please ask me again.

King: Next is Heo Yeong Jae's daughter's turn to answer.

Yeon Yoo: Since Your Majesty has asked, I shall answer. It's one nyang. To the impoverished commoners, there is nothing more precious than one nyang. People that have ten thousand nyang are wealthy and don't think that one nyang is precious. But it's extremely clear to the people who have nothing how precious one nyang is. To the impoverished commoners, Your Majesty is as practical and as precious as this one nyang. I beseech Your Majesty to implement policies that are kind to the common people. 

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