chapter 23:D
So in the last dream i had about Michael i was so close to telling him my name but boom i just had to wake up. God damn you sleeping pattern. But i guess the dream will just keep recurring until we get it right as i have had the same dream for quite a few nights and it is slowly becoming better. Not that I'm complaining I mean dreaming about Michael Clifford and actually speaking to him is the highlight of my god damn life. Well sleep life anyway..
"HANNAH!" My mum screamed up the stairs so loud I think the remainder of the Berlin wall may of just fallen.
"What!?" I shouted equally as loudly.
"BACK TO THE FUTURE!" And with that i raced down the stairs almost tripping on Poppy the dog as i did so.
Once I was down the stairs and landed safely on the slightly squishy sofa the usual buzz of the opening credits started.
"It's your kids Marty something's gotta be done about your kids."
"Oh yeah i wish i could've done something about my kids.." Dad said looking in mine and my sister's direction.
"Oh yeah- shut up and watch the film old man." I said whilst rolling my eyes.
2 hours later:
"Thank You for the memories." I said yawning and getting off of the sofa much to Poppy's delight.
"So Long and goodnight." I mumbled walking out of the living room door and making my way slowly up the steep carpeted stairway to heaven otherwise known as my bed.
"Ugh." I groaned as i flopped down onto the hard rock like bed which is quite comfy.. I mean Patrick survives alright..
The tent shook lightly as the summer breeze swept over it. A tall slim figure shuffled around in a box. Assuming he found what he was looking for he stood up looking directly at me, holding out a poster. My eyes scanned over the slightly bent poster, much to my surprise it was a 5 seconds of summer poster. I looked back up towards the guy and soon discovered the guy was in fact a short haired, shy looking, fedora wearing Ashton Irwin.
"Are you alright?" I asked almost whispering.
"Yeah- I think so.." He said looking puzzled."
The same horrible bare looking room came back and i stared blankly at the ceiling processing the dream i had just had. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2.44 am. Why did i dream about Ashton giving me a poster? So of course me being me i googled it.. This is what i found out:
The poster represents my personality and i want to share and display an aspect of myself that everyone can see.. uh. Yeah sure..
Being given something suggests that i need to be grateful of the gifts i have.Maybe theres something different I have to do in order for the dream to change.. But what? So i looked up the significance of reoccurring dreams and i wasn't disappointed. Apparently the dream repeats over and over until you pay attention and take appropriate action. What action am i supposed to take on that exactly?
It was then at 2.46 in the morning I decided to watch before I go to sleep.
Which is basically about a woman who has an accident resulting in a head injury that makes her forget everything and she wakes up everyday not remembering anything but throughout the day she starts to remember certain things but soon forgets them again. Which is exactly like how my dream goes i wake up and i don't remember much but throughout the day i remember the details and i remember the dream in full detail.. So maybe when my mum slammed the car boot on my head which to clarify was not on purpose she could've perhaps given me a slight problem with reoccurring dreams..

Found you
FanfictionHannah finds herself having recurring dreams about Michael Clifford.. But what's even stranger is that he is having the exact same dreams about her.. What does it mean? From Hannah's POV Read Michael's POV here: