In Flames

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"Chiron, I can't-" Percy started, opening the door to Chiron's office. He stopped when he saw Reyna standing by Chiron's desk, examining patient files. She looked up when Percy entered, raising her eyebrows. Percy shifted uncomfortably. "Where's Chiron?"

"He's currently with Mr. D at the moment handling some private business. What can't you do?"

"I'll, uh, just come back when Chiron's here."

"It's the seven, isn't it?" Percy sighed, closing the door to Chiron's office and sitting in one of the chairs. "I was right. What about them has you stumped, now? Is it their charming personalities, attitudes, or have they refused you as a therapist and instead convinced you that you belong here as a patient?" Percy narrowed his eyes, not saying anything. In the back of his mind, he could still hear Piper's screaming. He could still hear Jason trying in vain to comfort her. He could still hear Nico mumbling to himself what went wrong, what went wrong, what went wrong? "Percy," Reyna started, leaning against Chiron's desk and setting down the patient files, "I understand-"

"Do you?" Percy interrupted, looking up at her with the most helpless face she'd ever seen. "Ever since I got here, they were like... like a dysfunctional, but loving family. They argued almost non-stop, but you could tell that they cared about each other. And now-" He broke off, throwing his hands up in frustration, his expression twisting in despair. "And now, I saw the supposed sociopath break down in tears. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Percy, every family has their arguments. It's okay-"

"No, it's not!" He abruptly stood up from the chair, knocking it over with his momentum. "It's not okay, Reyna, because it looked like they were being torn apart by the seams!" Reyna stayed silent, her face blank, her eyes focused on Percy, waiting to see if he had anything else to say. "And I'm tired of being looked at to fix things. Frank asked me to go find Leo and talk to him - talk to him! I can't - I can't even talk to any of the people at school, how am I supposed to deal with this? How am I supposed to fix this?"

Reyna watched Percy for a moment longer, searching for the right words to say. "Sit down, Percy." He picked up the chair and did as he was told, not know what else to do. "What I've gathered from what you've said so far is that there was an argument between Piper and Leo." He nodded, running a hand through his hair. "As you know, Piper and Leo are very close - closer than any of the seven because they knew each other before being brought here."

"I already know-"

She held up her hand to stop him. "Leo was deemed healthy. Healthy enough to be put back into the foster care system."

As her words sunk in, Percy sat back in the chair, letting out a breath. "Oh, my God."

Reyna nodded. "I'm assuming you understand what I'm getting at. Leo has previous experience with the foster system, so he's reluctant to join. And because of the fact that he'd made an attachment to the people here."

"Piper wants him to leave."

"Because she wants him to have a better life." Reyna paused, pursing her lips and furrowing her eyebrows. "Percy, I want you to know that I've worked with the seven before, and have analyzed their behavior over the course of weeks. Some things.... Some things you can't fix no matter how hard you try because they simply don't want to be fixed."

"What am I supposed to do then?"

She clenched her teeth, patting Percy on the shoulder as she walked out. "There's a reason you've gotten farther than I ever have with them, Percy. You're their friend, not their therapist."


Piper balled her hand into a fist and punched the wall. Hard. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Piper..." She heard Jason's voice, but she didn't turn her head. She didn't need him to see her cry twice in one day. "You'll hurt yourself." She let out a shaky breath, resting her forehead against the wall and letting her hand drop to her side. "What happened with you and Leo? What were you saying?"

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