Chapter 11: Dances and Boys
Jen's POV
I walk into the school building that I had strangely missed. I guess I just didn't like being stuck at home ill, cooped up in my bed, not allowed to talk to anyone or do anything. Coming back to school was definitely refreshing.
"JENNIFER!" Before I could really process what was going on, I felt myself being attacked, almost making me lose my balance, which would have caused me to fall to the ground. "I have missed you so much oh my gosh," Kat gushes.
"Aww," I say in response, "I feel loved. And I missed you too- trust me." She gives me a wide grin, before her face going serious. "You need a date."
"What?" I ask, confusion written all over my face, "Why do I need a date?"
"Well, we're having our annual dance, which our grade has done ever since we entered this high school. Basically, we have a dance which is randomly announced about 5 days before the actual day," she explains. "And since you've been MIA for ages, you wouldn't have had a chance to get a date for tonight."
"Do you have a date?" I inquire as we walk to our lockers, and Kat looks at the ground, a big smile growing on her face. "Yes..."
"Who is it...?" A blush grows on her face which reveals it all for me. "OH MY GOSH," I squeal, maybe a little too loud, "he's FINALLY asked you! EEEP!" I hug her tight, all over excited. She hugs me back, a blush still gracing her face.
"Anyway, enough about me, we need to get you a date," Kat changes topic.
"Meh" I shrug, opening my locker and shoving a few books in, "there's no one I'd really want to go with."
"You can't go on your own!" Kat exclaims, "That's pretty much illegal."
Out of my peripherals, I could see Josh approaching us.
"I'll go with Josh," I say as he gets to us.
"I heard my name, why did I hear my name?" he asks us, confused.
"Do you have a date to the dance?" I ask him, not answering his question.
"Err... no..."
"Do you want to go with me?" He looks at me, his eyes widened.
"Err.. y-yeah, s-sure.. er why.. er n-not?" he stutters out. I turn back to face Kat, "I've got a date now, happy?" A massive grin stretches on her face, and for some reason, I find it almost suspicious, but I don't overthink it.
"Let's go to homeroom, before we're late," she says, linking her arm around mine and leading me away.
Kat's PoV
Internally I'm squealing and dying and I don't even know how I'm feeling. Finally things are going the way I want, and I didn't have to do anything- heck I wasn't expecting her to ask Josh. I thought I'd have to coax Josh into doing it somehow. It just means that I'm going to have less work to do, and maybe my whole plan will fall in to place quickly!
The moment we take a step into our homeroom, my eyes fall upon the tan brunet who's sitting there idly plsying on his phone. I take the seat next to him, Jen taking the next one along. I seem to have caught his attention as he turns around to face me, his warm eyes connecting with mine. He sends me a smile, which I return.
"Jen asked Josh to the dance," I mouth excitedly, "The plan is finally coming together!"
"That's good, " Avan whispers, "looks like this dance will be as good for Josh as it will be for me." He turns around to face Elizabeth who's just entered the room, leaving me blushing slightly.
"Okay, what about this?"
The changing room door pushes open to reveal my blonde beat friend in a hot pink dress that reaches the floor. She spins around to let me fully see if the dress suits her.
"You look good, but it doesn't seem like the one, if you get what I mean," I comment, and she rolls her eyes.
"You do realise we're not going to prom right?" Jen asks as she goes back into the changing room.
"Is it wrong for a best friend to want her best friend to look her absolute best?"
"Yes! Especially when her best friend is starving, I want food!"
I sigh, before finally complying with want she wanted. "One more dress though." I can hear her agree through the door. All I want is for things to be perfect. I don't want to let this opportunity for everything to work out go, and I am not going to. I see the door open in the corner of my eye, and as I turn to face my best friend, my eyes open wide in happiness.
"You're going to buy this."
General POV
Josh fiddles nervously with his jacket, trying to make sure everything looks good.
"You seem nervous eh?" The tan skinned boy driving says to him, a teasing tone to his voice.
"Why would I be nervous?" he unconvincingly replies, causing his best friend to roll his eyes. Avan knew that Josh was freaking out internally, but then again so was he. Slowly the car comes to a halt in front of the house Josh knows as his aunty's. Both boys exit the vehicle and head for the door, mentally preparing themselves.
"Ready?" The shorter brunette asks his best friend, and with a nod from him, he knocks. The door soon opens to reveal the two girls, blowing the two boys away.
"Wow," Avan breathes, causing Kat to blush as she takes his hand that he's offered. Jen smirks at the couple, before facing her date today.
"You look good, you know how to clean up, eh?" she teasingly asks, a grin taking over her face. Josh on the other hand finds him self stuttering out a response, still dazed by how pretty, wait, beautiful his best friend looked.
"Err... shall we?" he manages to fluently say, offering an arm, which the blonde takes, looping hers round his. As a gentleman, Josh opens the door for her, to which Jen jokes, "Chivalry's not dead, its good to know." The journey to the dance entails the radio being turned up, and the 4 members sitting in the car, belting each and every song out.
The venue the dance is to be held in is the school gym, which is not the most stunning place n the school, in fact, it is nowhere near stunning, but when the foursome walk in, they are in shock. The once dingy gym has been transformed into a beautiful hall, with fairy lights dangling in every corner of the room. The calming blue and white theme creates an atmosphere of beauty and serenity.
"Damn, this place actually looks good," Jen comments as she steps in, "if this is just a dance, I wonder how amazing prom will be."
From here the two couples split, Kat dragging Avan to the dancefloor whilst Josh and Jen went to the benches that have been set up for people to take a seat on.
Eyeing the food table, Jennifer excuses herself to get some food because she was attracted to food like a moth to a flame. As she fills up her flimsy paper plate, she doesn't notice someone creeping up behind her.
"You seem hungry," the mysterious stranger says, causing Jen to jump.
"Jesus," she cusses under her breath, turning around to face the person when her eyes scome in contact with one of the most attractive people she had ever seen in her life. "Oh... er..."
"Sorry for scaring the crap out of you," the boy says, but she's a bit too mesmerised by his accent to actually accept the apology. "I'm Nicholas, but call me Nick." She wakes up from her daze, and accepts his hand, shaking it.
"I'm Jennifer, but call me Jen."
"Pleasure to meet you Jen," Nick says, his charming British accent entrancing Jen.
Jealousy is burning up inside Josh as he watches the blonde and brunet conversing by the food table. By the way Jen is looking at the mysterious stranger, he can tell that she likes him, and Josh doesn't like that, not at all.She won't like me, so why should she not like someone else? he asks himself. As long as she's happy.
But that's harder said than done.
AN: Well, hey guys. Let me just apologise for my utter crapness at updating. I would give you excuses but its really unacceptable and I am ashamed.
But thank you for all the support you have given me. This story is at 13.5K reads, about 340 votes and almost 200 comments, and it means a lot.
Thank you so so much!
Comment, votes and follows are much appreciated! x

Those Eyes | joshifer au [DISCONTINUED]
FanfictionJosh remembers when they first met. And when they meet again years into the future, he knows it was her. He could recognise those eyes anywhere. Jennifer feels like she knows Josh, but she hasn't a clue where. Now best of friends, Josh and Jen start...