I was lying down, all of my other senses are working but for some reason i couldn't seem to open my eyes. My attention was suddenly drawn to a certain conversation in the room.
"i feel like its all my fault" that was the dick himself, Owen.
The second voice i heard was one that i had only heard from the back of the class, when i joke was thrown towards the teacher, Justin.
"man just leave her alone, you fucked up you need to face it, its time you left"
"fine, she never really was worth it all anyway easy tar-" and with that as if in perfect unison my eyes open only to see Justin's fit connect with his face, with what only can be described as a bone cracking sound rippling through the room. Owen was then quick to leave the room cradling his jaw.
Justin looked down at his hand to see he only had a simple graze across two of his knuckles. He didn't look up for a while until he gradually lifted his head up to meet my gaze.
"hey, are you okay?" His words laced with concern as he slowly approached me, looking for a hint in my eyes with permission that he could sit on the bed.
"you can sit down you know, its the nurses office not the queens palace" Humour glinted in his eyes as he took a seat. There was a eerie atmosphere surrounding us until i spoke up.
"thank you, you know for that" His longing gaze met mine.
"you know, its okay no one deserves to be spoke about in that way" In a way that stung but i had no time to dwell on my thoughts as the nurse came back into the room.
"you should be fine, just make sure you stay awake for at least 4 hours to avoid assure you'll be fine, i'd advice you don't move to fast so that you don't have any repercussions, keep someone around you and just have a relax night, you can leave whenever you want i have a not to excuse you from your last period, thats all" With her last words she left, wow nice caring staff.
"i can drive you home if you want" Justin was the first to speak since she left. "no thats fine honestly you need to go to last period i can get the bus home, no need to worry"
"No Annie I'm taking you home come on get your things" He helped my down from the bed and we walked to the parking lot together with him checking up on me every ow and again to see that i was okay. The ride home was silent, the gentle sound of the radio in the background.
As we pulled up to my house, as it was early my mum and dad weren't home yet.
"Would you like to come in?" My words took him by surprise.
"no no, i wouldn't want to intrude" He said shaking his head. "its fine honestly come in, the nurse said i need to have someone around any way and as your here"
We both walked towards the house and went inside. "make yourself at home I'm just going to get some food"
Walking back into the living room i saw him scanning the pictures on the mantle piece, i took a seat on the sofa and made my presence in the room obvious.
"want to watch something?" Me and Justin spent most of the afternoon watching films and laughing, it felt as though we had known each other for years, not only a couple of hours.
"i never knew how good that film actually is i always passed it off because it looked old" We had just finished watching patch adams.
"honestly thats such a lame excuse" He was laughing his smile was something that you may hardly ever see, but when you do it has this strange way of warming your heart. He leant over me as to grab a cookie, but when he pulled back his face froze in front of mine, he was so close i could feel his breath fanning over my face. Everything around us seemed to go quite, our eyes locked contact he gradually leaned in as i followed his lead. We were now so close, our noses almost touching. He closed the final gap between us as his lips danced so delicately over mine, it was like a thousand violins could of tried to capture this moment in music and it still wouldn't of amounted to the explosions of feelings ricocheting through my body.
That was when i knew, my second love would be Justin Bieber