Chapter 14

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This is short I'm sorry. Enjoy it anyway and Vote and Comment!!!!!!!! :)

Chapter 14

"Are you gonna see your grandmother?" Jonathan asked.

I shrugged. I've never met the woman and I didn't know what to expect. I still hadn't even opened the box my mother left me. I felt like I should but I was a little afraid of what I might see in it.

"Maybe. I feel like I should anyway. It's something my mom wanted me to do and I don't feel good not doing it, you know?" I ran my fingers across the velvet box. It was smooth and felt old.

Jonathan nodded. "I get it. When you thinking about going?"

I shrugged again. "When do you think I should go?" I was tired of thinking and telling people what should be done. For once I just wanted to be told what to do. And Jonathan seemed to be reading my mind because he nodded, took the letter out my hands and replaced it with the box.

"We can decide when you're gonna go after we see what your mom left you." he smiled warmly.


"I told you Addy, I'm here for you no matter what. Even if it means meeting new family members." his green eyes were bright and as earnest as his tone.

I smiled and he smiled back. "Now come on and open this box. Think of it like if we were breaking into Kiara's locker again like we use to." he smirked.

"I hated that chick." I shook my head.

"Well she didn't like you that much either, Adds" he grinned.

"Because I was dating the guy she had a crush on. Silly girl drama."

"It was fun to witness. Especially that day she just got to you in lunch so you poured your lunch on her and started the most epic lunch fight ever." he laughed.

I shook my head as I recalled the memory. I got a week's suspension because of that. "You skipped school that whole week just to be with me." I smiled.

"Couldn't leave my girl." he said softly as he took my hand.

I sucked in a breath as we stared into each other's eyes. Jonathan cleared his throat a long moment later and I took my hand back. I knew my face was red when I saw Jonathan's smirk. Why was he affecting me so much anyway?


I nodded and took a deep breath. I opened the box. A small creaking sound escaped as the lid raised. Jonathan's eyes widened as he took in the box's contents and let out a low curse. There were four things snug in the box. I swallowed before picking up the first item.

It was a gold heart locket. I opened it and inside held a picture of me, Evelina and my parents. It was a triple heart locket. The gold was as shiny as a newly waxed wood floor and heavy. I handed the locket to Jonathan who put it around my neck. As the weight of the necklace settle in I only had one thought. There was no way I was taking it off. Ever.

The second object was a fancy silver and pearl bow hair clip that looked like it could've belonged to the Queen of England. It looked like something you wore for a wedding. The bow was flower patterned. In the middle of the flowers were small diamonds that passed as seeds. It was beautiful and exquisite, as I suspected my mother was as well. I gently placed it back in the box having no use for it right now.

The third object was a small black key. It looked like one of those old keys you saw in movies that opened wooden cabins or something. Just smaller... a lot smaller. I frowned at it and looked at Jonathan.

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