Mara Lou- pg.23 Issue 1 07/27/15 Summer 2015
Is your boyfriend a JERK?
Do you have a boyfriend that's a total jerk? Have you had enough? Well, you've came the right girl for advice. I've had bunches of jerks as boyfriends. It seriously sucks. How to deal with them? It can be hard, but it can be easy. 😉
Don't know if your boyfriend is being funny or a complete jerk? Here are some signs.
1) Obsessed with himself (hair, clothes, what other people thinks of him)
2) Constantly annoyed with you for no simple reason.
3) He zones out when you're talking.
4) He can't take a joke.
5) Checks out other girls in front of you and behind your back.
6) Nothing is EVER his fault
7) Tries to make you jealous😎
8) Jumps to conclusions
9) Never asks how you're doing
10) Pressures you
I could seriously go on forever.
I've honestly had my fair share of dating total jerks. If your boyfriend is ANY of those ten things above, you're definitely dating a jerk.
Now, how to deal with them. If I were you I'd do these things:
1)Simply tell him that he's a jerk and he needs to change.
2) if that doesn't help, treat him the way he treats you, but a little worse. See how he feels.
3)If he seriously doesn't care after those two, he's too far gone. Time for you to dump his ass.
Hope this helps!! Thanks for reading!!
-Mara Lou
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